Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jayson's POV:

"What am I doing here..." I wondered. I sat on the cold metal bench waiting for Jackson's team. All the other students were cheering loudly and their screams were piercing my ears.

"Hi." Someone suddenly said. I turned to see a nice looking human boy sit down next to me. He wore a football jacket along with his friends.

"Uh hey." I said confused.

"My name is David Roberts, you're new right? I believe we have myths together." He said holding out his hand. I shook it nicely and smiled.

"I was sitting at the front so I didn't notice too much in the back but yea my name is Jayson LaChance."

Jackson's POV:

"Let's kick some, boys." Thomas grinned. I turned to the stands to look for Jayson however when I did see her she was chatting it up with Roberts.

"David f.ucking Roberts." I snarled angrily.

"Why the f.uck is he here? He doesn't give two sh.its about lacrosse." Thomas said confused.

"He's not here for the lacrosse Tommy he is here for the" Alex said. I turned to him and gave him an angry look and his eyes widened.

"I mean what the hell is this dweeb doing here?" He said nervously. I looked back at them and shook my head.

"F.uck this." I said going to the centre. I growled at the human kid in front of me and he stared at me in fear.

Jayson's POV:

"Why are you here?" David asked me.

"Uh I'm watching Jackson Hale." I said pointing to the large hulking alpha at centre.

"Him? What are you doing with that psycho?" He asked disgusted.

"I-I don't know..." I said honestly. Jackson picked up the tiny white ball and bulled over the boy across from him.

"Oh." I gasped covering my mouth. Girls screamed his name like he was a popular boy band and I rolled my eyes. Jackson ran down the field like some deranged beast and he just ran over these poor human souls.

"Dog..." I muttered.

"What?" David asked.

"Oh nothing." I hummed. Jackson threw the ball and it hit the back of the net. All these girls stood up shouting and cheering and I sat clapping.

"Are you two together for real?" David asked.

"Of course we are." I shrugged.

"You don't act like it." He noted.

"Are you kidding? Aren't we the cutest couple of the age? You go baby way to kill those poor kids!" I cheered fakingly. David didn't buy it and he looked at me oddly.


After the game I waited outside of the locker room for Jackson. I scanned the board and stared at the permission forms for soccer. I looked down at my old school's sweater and sighed. I grabbed a form and folded the paper placing it into my pocket for later. The door opened and a loud commotion of male voices came along with Jackson. He was smiling happily and it was the first time I have actually seen him not all b.itchy and angry.

He followed the boys out and I waited for him to unlock his car. I got in and he did as well and then he snapped.

"Don't go near David f.ucking Roberts." He said angrily.

"Woah are you bipolar or something?" I asked confused.

"No I just don't want you going near him."

"Why? We were just talking." I said.

"Because he is trying to take what is mine and I do not like that."

"Okay, one: I am not an object I am a female specimen and two; I am not yours." I said and he growled pulling down my shirt to reveal the black mark.

"Do you know what this is?" He asked.

"It's a mark from a crazy, horny dog." I said nonchalantly.

"For f.uck sakes...Anyways it is a symbol to all werewolves that you belong to me. Every girls' mark is different for different men. The teeth are different and it is in a different spot. Roberts is a human so he doesn't know but all werewolves know." He explained. I removed his hand and covered the mark angrily.

"Don't touch me." I said.

"I will." He said placing his hand on my thigh. I looked down shocked at how close his hand was to my feminine qualities.

"Uh excuse me!?" I said moving his hand. A smirk appeared on his face and he moved his hand back.

"Yes?" He asked and I slapped his hand.

"Bad. No." I pointed like you would to a dog. He bared his canines and grabbed my hand placing it on his masculine qualities.

"Jackson!" I snarled. He didn't answer and I growled trying to move my hand but he kept it there.

"I do not need my hand right on top of your boy parts." I said disgusted.

"Boy parts? Do you not feel? I am a man." He said and I shook my head.

"No you feel like a boy now give me my hand back!" I yelled but he shook his head. I smirked and sighed. He glanced over at me as I flattened my hand against his boy parts.

"Good girl. I'd knew you would give in." He smirked confidently. I only smiled and made a fist punching him swiftly in his boy parts. He groaned and leaned forward as I smirked.

"Boy parts." I said.

Blood Lust (Sequel to Sins of the Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now