Chapter 35

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Jayson's POV:

Once I got to the entrance of prom everyone's mouths dropped. I guess word got around that ya girl was dead for a bit.

"Ja-Jayson?" Thomas asked surprised.

"Thomas. Where is the skank that is with my boy?" I asked.

"Dancing." He said.

"Dancing? No, no, no, no, no, no. If I see too close of proximity between the two...oooo Jackson is going to wish he never met me." I promised.

Jackson's POV:

"How is it going?" Alex asked as I slumped next to him. I did one dance with Sierra and now I was done.

"I did a dance with her and now I am done for the night." I said still annoyed.

"Holy I don't think you're done for the night." He said his eyes popping out of his head and his jaw dropping.

"Why?" I asked. I turned my head and as I did a familiar brunette that didn't have a sunken in face came towards me. She had on a two piece black dress with a long sleeve top and her hair waved out.

She looked beautiful but the face on her was scary.

"Jayson?" I asked standing up.

"So, where is she?" She asked.

"Jayson..." I said reaching my hand out but she smacked my hand.

"Where is the girl you're here with!?" She demanded.

"Excuse me? Can I help you?" Sierra asked. Jayson turned and smiled.

"You like redheads, huh?" Jay asked.

"Is this the mate? You finally woke up from your nap?" Sierra asked.

"I did and I heard that my bond/boyfriend was forced to take some how to prom. So you're dismissed now. Buh-bye." Jayson said sweetly.

"Uh listen honey, I'm an alpha female and a future Luna. I'm what Jackson needs. Not some vampire." She said looking her up and down.

"No you listen, honey. I'm a f.ucking vampire princess who also happens to be an original so do you know what that means?" She asked rolling up her sleeve revealing the red symbol. Sierra's eyes opened wide and she took a hesitant step back.

"Mhmm that's right. So I suggest you go because I'm stronger than you and..." Jayson stopped
To clear her throat.

"I'm a little parched." She whispered. Sierra looked at me then Jayson and held up her hands in defence.

"Guess I'm moving schools." Sierra muttered walking away. Jayson sighed happily and turned back.

"Well Dean and I are going to go dance. Have fun Jay." Jamie smiled.

"Thanks James." She said smiling back. She then turned to me, I went to pull her close but she smacked my hand hard.

"You listen here," she said pointing a finger at me.

"If I wake up from a traumatizing coma again and I hear you are out with another girl, I will break your balls. Do you understand me?" She asked and I nodded.

"Good, I don't like hearing those things." She said brushing off my suit jacket. I rubbed her upper arms and she smiled up at me.

"You know you said you f.ucking hated me right?" I teased.

"I don't remember much of what happened and to be honest I don't want to. But you know I hate you." She giggled. I kissed her forehead and pulled her to my chest tightly.

"I love you too." I said and she curled into me more.

"Oh my god I'm going to cry." Alex said sadly. I pulled away to see him wipe under his eye.

"I'm so alone, I need a drink." He sobbed walking away.

"I could use a drink too man." Jayson sighed.

"Want to leave early?" I asked.

"No. I want to dance and know what has happened the past three months." She said taking my hands. She leaned forward and I pressed my lips to hers numerous times and she pulled back smiling.

"I missed you." She said.

"I missed you too. I also got this for you." I said pulling back my suit to reveal a black and purple butterfly on my shoulder.

"I love butterflies and purple." She said lightly grazing her fingers across it.

"I know. I had to get something to remember you if..." I said trailing off. Her hand reached up and she cupped the side of my face.

"I do love you and you know I would never leave you here by yourself." She whispered.

"I know." I said kissing her knuckles. She took a step back and twirled slightly in her dress.

"Do you like me dress?" She asked batting her long lashes.

"I do but you know it always looks better off." I teased and she blushed heavily.

"Stop, Jackson!" She said looking away.

I grabbed her hand and took her purse setting it down at our table.

"Let's go dance." I said.

"Please tell me you weren't too close to her." She sighed.

"Arms length. I was a gentleman." I said.

"Oh so what? With me you're just an a.sshole?"

"A little bit of both." I shrugged wrapping my arm around her waist and taking her hand.

"Good, because the way you are makes me laugh and keeps me entertained and also gives me grey hairs but ya know."

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