Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Jayson's POV:

"You're going to live with him?" Jamie asked. I turned back and nodded angrily.

"Unfortunately." I said through gritted teeth.

"Please the only thing that is unfortunate is that you are his girlfriend and not me." Heather said leaning on to Jackson's shoulder.

"There see? She wants to go. Take her!" I said turning but Jackson grabbed my hand.

"Uh-uh where do you think you're going?" He tsk-ed.

"Back beside you." I sighed in defeat.

"Call me when you get there okay baby?" My mom asked sadly. I nodded as she hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered kissing my cheek. I nodded and my dad kissed my forehead.

"I will be checking in on you." He said. My dad wasn't much of an emotional speaker. Andrew glared at Jackson.

"If you hurt her, Hale. You're dead." Andrew spat. Jackson just stared down Andrew and I sighed.

"Bye Andy." I whispered. Aiden hugged me tightly.

"I will text you." He said. I looked at Jamie across the room and she didn't meet my eyes. My brothers looked at her and I scoffed.

"Let's go. That's everyone." I said quietly turning and walking out with Jackson.


I was on the werewolf side now and I could tell Jackson's pack was not keen on the idea of having a vampire in the pack.

"What is this?" One girl asked and Jackson put a protective arm around my waist that I desperately tried to get out of.

"My mate." He said and her eyes went wide.

"B-but she's a-"

"Vampire? Thanks I know." I said rolling my eyes.

"Whatever." She huffed walking past me. I sighed and shook my head.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" He asked.

"No I'm just tired. I would like to lay down." I said rubbing my tired head. He walked me upstairs to his room and I gasped at the size. His room was huge! There was a second floor for his bed, a fire place, a gorgeous shag rug, a black leather couch, his and her walk in closets and his and her mirrors in the bathroom. His bed was huge and black silk draped along the canopy. A mountain of pillows whispered my name for me to dive in.

"Is it okay?" He asked.

"Your room is so nice..." I said stepping on to the shag rug,

"Thanks, Kendra is into decorating." He said.

"Is it only girls here?" I asked.

"No there are men too. Don't worry I don't think men will try to do anything to you because where you are a vampire." He assured.

"Wow thanks. That makes me feel so good about myself." I said sarcastically.

"That's a good thing. No unmated men will try anything."

"I would never let a dog touch me." I said and he growled at me.

"At least we are not filthy blood sucking vampires."

"At least we are clean, we don't lick our private parts." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"We are not domesticated dogs!" He exclaimed.

"You run on four legs, you pee with your leg up, you hump everything, your women have heats and you are always horny. You guys are dogs!" I said.

"I'm not going to discuss this with a murderer." He said walking into the bathroom.

"Me!? A murderer! You are the one who killed vampires on our land! You're the f.ucking murderer Jackson!" I yelled. I was suddenly pinned to the wall harshly and he held both my wrists in place.

"Enough, Jayson!" He said angrily. I bit my tongue and stared into his dark angry eyes.

"I'm your alpha and your mate. I do not like back talk or attitude so fix it." He ordered. He let go of me and I rubbed my wrists and frowned at him.

"I hate you." I muttered.

"Good." He said slamming the door shut behind him.

Blood Lust (Sequel to Sins of the Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now