Chapter 5

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^^ Andrew

Chapter 5

Jayson's POV:

"Oh there you are; how are you feeling?" My mom asked.

"Good...I'm okay." I said shakily.

"Where's dad?" I asked quickly before she could pester me more.

"Your father is in a meeting with your uncles." She was referring to uncle Logan and uncle Christopher.

"W-what are they discussing?" I asked nervously.

"I believe your father mentioned something about werewolves." She said confused. I bit my lip and tugged on my hair nervously.

"Werewolves?" I squeaked.

"Jayson is everything alright?" She asked.

"Mom I have been marked!" I screamed frantically. Her eyes went wide for a moment.

"Marked? What are you talking about Jayson?" She asked and I scratched at my neck nervously.

"W-where did you guys find me yesterday?" I asked.

"Outside in the backyard. The doctor said you were dehydrated..." She said confused.

"Mom I wasn't. I went into the woods." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"Jayson I told you to stay out of there!" She yelled.

"I know and I found half of a body and-"

"Jayson. Enough." She said angrily.

"Mom I was bit by an alpha! I was marked by him!" I yelled pulling down my shirt. She looked at the mark and her eyes went wide.

"Jayson..." She sighed sadly.

"I'm so sorry and I don't know what to do, he is really mean and says I have to go live with him over the border."

"Your father will not allow that." She said placing her hands on the breakfast island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Mom I'm really sorry. I don't know what to do."

"Did you bond with him?" She asked.

"No..." I lied and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you two didn't bond then you should be okay because there will be no reason for you to go over there with him." She said and I nodded.

"So...what do I do?" I asked. She came over and rubbed my shoulders.

"Go to school, talk with your friends. Don't dwell on this; your father and I will fix it." She said.

"O-okay." I said walking to the door.

"I love you, Jay." She called.

"I love you too, mom." I said smiling back at her.


I grabbed my chemistry book and binder. I shut my locker and Christian stood waiting for me.

"Hey Jay." He said.

"Hi Christian," I said softly. He stared at me oddly.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yea I'm fine." I assured pulling my hoodie up more to cover my neck.

"You smell weird..." He said bluntly.

"Gee thanks, Christian." I said nervously. He didn't say anything as we walked to class. I went to our lab table and got out my notebook and a pencil. He followed in after watching me cautiously.

I was forced to take my hoodie off because we were allowed limited items near all the chemicals and burners. That left me in a simple white t-shirt and I hoped Christian wouldn't notice the mark on my shoulder.

However, the more I thought about the mark showing the more annoying it became. The mark almost started to burn and itch like a bug bite. So I kept scratching my collar bone area.

Christian noticed and I smiled.

"I must have gotten bit by a mosquito yesterday." I shrugged.


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