Chapter 3

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^^ Aiden

Chapter 3:

Jayson's POV:

I squeezed my eyes shut and sighed.

"My mom told me not to go jogging in the woods and this is why. You are some kind of cult here to murder me like this poor kid." I said putting my head in my hands. A couple of them laughed and a girl with black hair stepped up.

"I like her. She's cute." She said looking me up and down.

"I don't play for the same team if you catch my drift." I said uncomfortably and she laughed.

"What's your name honey?" One boy asked.

"Breanna." I said quickly. I'm not telling these murderers my real name!

"No it's not." One girl said walking around me.

"Y-yes it is." I said shakily.

"Such a liar; you know what we do to liars, sweetheart?" The same boy asked lifting my chin with a finger.

"That?" I asked gesturing to the dead vampire and he laughed nodding.

"You blood suckers are all the same; lying, conniving, seductive..." He said.

"Okay I'm pretty sure you are mass murderers which is why I'm terrified to tell you my name. Second, I am not conniving at all and third I don't know how to be seductive; boys tend to run away from me." I admitted nervously.

"We are not mass murderers we are werewolves, sweetheart." He said lowly in my ear.

"Hey! You crossed the line, vampires on one side dogs on the other." I said angrily folding my arms. A girl flashed over and pulled my arm back and forced it up.

"Dogs?" She asked angrily. I frowned and grabbed her flipping her on to her back. She looked up at me shocked.

"Dogs." I said lowly. I let her up and a couple of them smirked.

"Aww I like her." The same girl from before said.

"What's this?" Someone asked. I sniffed the air and I felt my fangs descend. Whoever this person was the blood flowing through their veins was heavenly. I turned and met a pair of eyes and he glared at me harshly. His lip curled up in disgust as I stared at him up and down.

"Alpha Jackson, we found her looting the body." A boy said and I growled.

"I was looking for any identification. I don't need to loot a dead person." I said defensively.

"Who are you?" Alpha Jackson demanded harshly.

"For f.uck sakes..." I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose.

"My name is Jayson LaChance." I sighed.

"LaChance? As in one of the Kings offsprings?" A girl asked surprised and I nodded biting my lip. I looked back up at Alpha Jackson and he looked away quickly sighing angrily.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked.

"Probably." One boy said.

"No." Jackson said angrily. Everyone stared at him in shock as he looked around.

"Get back over the line. I will deal with her." He ordered. They all left quietly and my breathing became heavy.

"You know I can get you money?" I said nervously.

"I have money." He said lowly walking towards me.

"Anything you want? Girls?" I asked.

"I only need one girl." He said.

"Oh I really hate her right now." I grumbled.

"You shouldn't hate her." He said.

"She is ruining my chances of staying alive right now. I could have gotten you any girl; human or vampire." I said.

"I don't like vampires."

"Can you just kill me already!?" I said angrily; his blood was so strong I was biting my lip from attacking him.

"Stop doing that." He said angrily and I stopped but plugged my nose. He stared at me angrily.

"Your blood smells so good right now and you are too close." I said and he shook his head.

"Goddammit..." He cursed walking away.

"Out of all people? A f.ucking vampire." He said.

"Are you talking about me?" I asked.

"Yes I am talking about you!" He snarled baring his canines.

"Why?" I asked quietly.

"Because a f.ucking filthy vampire is my mate!" He yelled. I swore he shook the forest. I stared at him blankly and then it all clicked in. That's why his blood smelt so good...We have a bond now.

I looked down at the ground and sighed.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. I scented him right in front of him and I looked up. He grabbed my shoulders biting down on the space between my collar bones and shoulder. I let out a pained scream as his canines broke the skin.

Blood Lust (Sequel to Sins of the Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now