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America Singer

I look upon the city, slightly afraid of looking down. But the sight is beautiful. The Angeles lights were a bright, glowing in the night.

"Beautiful isn't it, dear?" A voice spoke, a pair of muscular arms wrapping around my small waist.

"It sure is, I'm speechless."

There was a moment of silence. I took it, admiring the lights and watching the ant-sized people walking about.

"Shall we go back in? It's getting cold."

I turned to face my newly wedded, husband; Maxon Schreave.

"You can go in, I'd like to stay out here and admire the lights."

"I'll stay out here with you." Maxon spoke, pursing his lips.

I turned around again, admiring the lights until I let out a yawn.

"Here." Maxon spoke.

My feet were lifted off the ground. I wasn't standing anymore, I was being lifted up by muscular arms wrapped around my body.

I yawned once more, stretching my hands and wrapping them around Maxon's neck. I closed my eyes, being enveloped by the cloud-like features of the royal beds.

"Goodnight, my dear."

"Stop calling me that," I teased.

Maxon chuckled, and I opened my eyes just in time to see him duck down, kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight," I murmured, falling into a deep sleep.

Maxon Schreave

I left the room, approaching my father's study.

I sigh in frustration when I eye the piles of sheets and folders lying on the wooden desk,begging for attention.

The abolishment of the castes were a big work, moving the lower castes up to the higher ones until they were all gone.

It was worth it, though. It was already tough seeing America live in poverty. After the removal of the castes, I promised to give each family $1,000 each from the royal bank of Illéa.

That'd leave us way more than expected to spend on other things such as renovating the city.

After two hours of signing and reading, I decided to join in with America for some well-deserved sleep.

I walked in, seeing her hugging the pillow, smiling. Chuckling to myself, I crawled in with her, turning off the lit lamp on the drawer.

"Goodnight, my precious America." I spoke softly, kissing her on the forehead.

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