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America Singer

"America, wake up."

Who is waking me up at such an ungodly hour? My head was pounding, I felt sluggish as if I were incapable of doing anything, and my eyes felt like they were glued shut.

I forced myself to open my eyes. Blinking, I sat up to see two figures in the dark. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, the figures seemed more familiar. It was Aspen and Maxon.

Maxon looked just as tired as I was but was trying to put on a wake, kingly face while Aspen looked as alert as ever. Does Aspen ever go to sleep? Does he ever get tired?

"What's wrong?" I looked at the both of them. Maxon seemed weary while Aspen looked worried.

"There's been a breach in security," Aspen answered. "But no intruders were found except for a note."

"A note? Is it a ransom?" Please tell me they haven't gotten a hold of anyone.

A thought struck me. "Kenna, James and the baby! Are they safe?" They have to be safe; I don't know what I would do if any harm had come to any of them.

"Yes, your entire family is fine, America," Maxon reassured me.

I suddenly wished Mom, Gerad, and May were here. They all left to sleep in the guest room because they thought it would be a hassle to move all their things into my room.

"We wanted to get you before we analyzed the note. We thought if wouldn't be fair," I could tell Aspen was lying, I'm his best friend. I could tell by both of their expressions, it was Aspen that wanted me there, not Maxon.

"I'll be there in a minute," I called out as they headed out to wait outside the door.

I threw the covers off and ran into the washroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face in record time. I didn't bother combing my hair, I just put it into a messy ponytail and threw on a silk robe over my pajamas.

Yes, you heard me right. I threw away every nightgown Silvia bought me. There's no way I was sleeping in those, I can't be fancy even while I'm sleeping! Plus, it's also a very well known fact that I cannot sleep unless I'm wearing pajama pants or shorts. Deal with it.

I slipped on my flats and threw open the door to leave.

Aspen started to lead the way the second he saw me but Maxon held us up. "Are you coming like that?" he gestured at my clothes.

"They are pajama pants; it's not going to kill anyone nor ruin either my or your reputations if anyone sees me. They're pajama pants, for gods' sake! What, do you want me to wear a wedding gown made of diamonds everyday when I go to sleep?" I can't believe it! They expect me to wear the fanciest things to sleep!

"Anyways, it's just the three of us. All guards and maids were sent away. We want this to be confidential, just between the three of us until we see what the not is and decide on what we're going to do," Aspen cut in.

Maxon marched on forward, as if he hadn't even heard Aspen's speech, leaving us behind.

Aspen leaned in and whispered in my ear, "A wedding dress made of diamonds as nightclothes? Only you, America."

"Hey, that's why you love me, isn't it?" I laughed. Aspen never fails to make me laugh.

Just then Maxon's head snapped back. He stared for a bit and continue walking.

"As a friend," I whispered, barely audible. I still can't believe he won't trust me.

We silently made our way to the throne room, where the note was left. I shivered, no matter what time of year the palace constantly seemed to be chilly. I clutched my robe closer to me, wishing I had brought a thicker robe.

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