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America Singer

It was all in defense, wasn't it? I repeatedly told myself, taking in a sharp breath, preparing myself for when Maxon finds out.

"America?" A soft voice cooed, nearing me.

"M-Maxon?" I stuttered.

"Yes, darling?"

I was currently in the castle infirmary, lying on a retractable hospital bed.

Maxon's face appeared from behind the curtains, a warm smile upon his face, with dark bags under his eyes. He came over and slipped into a nearby chair, scooting it towards me, making a sound.

"Maxon, you should get some rest. You've already got bags under your eyes." I reached out to touch his face, pursing my lips when I rubbed the bags under his eyes.

"I know, America. But you know how I can't go to sleep without you by my side."

My heart broke a little. My conscious telling me things. Telling me to tell Maxon about the murder.

"I came here to check up on you." He spoke softly, caressing my cheek.

"You're probably banged up about the killing of the man. It's a shame, really. He was a man out there, with a family." Maxon spoke, his eyes darkening at the sound of a family.

With his abusive father, he didn't really have much of a family to rely on. And the one person he trusted most had died along with him.

"Do you know who had murdered him, America?" Maxon asked.

I shook my head, my palms getting a bit sweaty at the thought of Maxon knowing.

"Don't worry, America. I know how you hate murders. Especially when it happens to innocent people. I'll find the culprit for you." He smiled, as he got up.

"You'd better get some rest now, America. As much as I'd love to hold you while sleeping, I want you to get better quicker as well."

I nodded. "Okay, sir."

Maxon laughed. His laughs were one of my most favourite sounds in the world. He turned around, and exited, the curtains moving away as he did.

A few seconds later, I felt myself dozing off. Just before catching the figure slipping in from the curtains.


"America?" Another voice called, belonging to someone else other than Maxon.

I blinked once. Twice. And finally opened my eyes to see Aspen with caring eyes.


"Did you tell him, America?"

I shook my head.

Aspen seemed to have breathed out a breath he was holding in.

"Thank God."

I frowned. "Did you think that I was going to tell him?"

"No." Aspen spoke, without a moment of hesitation.

"Okay then..." I replied back unsurely. 

"We need to talk about something." Aspen whispered, closing the distance between us, as he neared my ear.

"It's about the murder." 

Aspen spoke with such calmness, it scared me.

"What do you mean?" I asked, almost afraid to listen to the answer. This was it, they had found out.

"They're looking for the murderer, Mer."

"What?!" I screamed, my eyes widening. Aspen shushed me, covering my mouth.

"Shush, Mer. You're causing a racket. I shouldn't even be here right now. But luckily, my current shift is at this infirmary.

Then all of the memories came flooding back. Maxon finding the murderer because of me, innocence, a man with a family.

What have I gotten myself into?

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