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America Singer

"America," the voice called again. This time nearer to the door.

The voice sent shivers down my spine, it was not just the voice of a rebel but a voice of cold blooded psychopath. My heart was pounding, my brain switched to survival mode and there was one thing that had to be done before anything else.

I turned to Maxon, "Leave!"

My voice came out as a strangled whisper. We couldn't let the person outside know we were here.

I dragged the guard's body into the room and locked the doors but I knew it wasn't enough. This wasn't the first time I've dealt with Southern rebels. Nothing would stand in their way.

Maxon was by my side in a flash. He grasped the sides of my face, forcing me to look him in the eye.

"I'd die before I leave you. Remember our vows, till death do us apart."

Determination and a pained look flashed through his eyes.

No way was I letting him stay. I jerked away.

"I don't care! Illea needs its birth ruler! You were born to be King and your country needs you alive. I doesn't matter if I'm dead or alive. There's an emergency exit through the closet but only one can go through and it has to be you," I know I was being demanding but what I said was true.

"No, not in a million years. I can't rule a country without you and I can't leave you here! How am I supposed to know if you're okay or not!"

Maxon looked angry. His hands were flying all over the place when he was talking.

"This is the Queen's suite of course the guards will get here soon!"

"Like this one did?" Maxon said looking at the unconscious guard.

Maxon was being difficult.

"I don't need to be protected, I can protect myself!"

"Don't be ridiculous, America! These are the Southern rebels, neither you nor I would stand a chance!"

I took in a deep breath. I had to do what needed to be done.

"If you don't get yourself to safety it won't matter if I'm alive or not," I said speaking in a deadly quiet voice.

"What?" Maxon looked confused, utterly confused.

"If go I'll stay and hide. I have a chance of surviving but if you don't there's no point." Maxon gave me a look, he still didn't get it.

"I will run out this door and straight to the rebels."

Maxon's eyes widened and he opened his mouth to reply but I cut in.

"I promise."

We both knew I never lied when it came to promises, never.

"You're not giving me a choice, America! Be fair," he whispered angrily.

"They're here for me! This all quiet but all of a sudden on the day of our coronation there are riots called 'Anti America'!"

We didn't think it was a big deal. We thought it was just the people who didn't want me as Queen but we were wrong, this was bigger. It was the Southern Rebel's movement. Their supporters have increased and they've gotten even more powerful. I don't think even the Northern Rebels could help us.

It was all because of me. Why? Well I have no clue.

"If they get me, they'll leave because I'm the one they want. They don't want you or you could get to safety and let me hide in peace!"

For security measures each emergency route only let a single person pass.

"America, please," Maxon looked helpless. It broke my heart to do this to him but I had to.

My hand reached out towards the knob.

"You know why I can't," so he was still staying.

I turned the knob while unlocking the doors. I waited for a few seconds and opened the door only a little bit.

"Fine! I'll leave!"

I locked the door again and stood where I was as Maxon made his way to my closet, to the emergency exit.

I could see Maxon from here. I wanted to tell him so many things, we might never see each other again. He turned around and what I saw made my heart shatter into millions of pieces.

A single tear fell from his eyes.

"Be careful, my dear," was the last thing he said before he walked into the emergency exit.

It was an underground tunnel that led you to safety. I turned away, unable to watch as the darkness swallowed him whole the farther he went.

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