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America Singer POV

The silence was nearly unbearable. I looked to my right at Maxon, he refused to look at me, his expression stony.

That only made me angrier. Everyone says I make the wrong decisions and that I'm annoying but Maxon seemed to always get his way and if I don't follow what he says it's somehow my fault?

Fine, I'll play it his way. I turned away from him.

We were waiting at the entrance of the palace.

"They are here," the guard waiting with us said.

I braced myself. As soon as the door opened I heard her yelling, "America!"

I couldn't hold back. I don't care anymore. To hell with being ladylike. As a Queen I need to take care of my country, not put on a show.

"May!" I ran towards her and threw my arms around her. I lifted her up and spun her around.

My mom, May and Gerald were sent in for protection. There's no way I'm letting them live on their own when there's so much unrest in the country. I tried to convince Kenna and Kota. Kenna and her husband couldn't leave their work and Kota was still mad at me. Instead, I sent guards directly to both of their homes to protect them.

"Oh, look at you!" my mom started, I swear she says that every single time she's seen me in the palace.

After them, Gerald ran in. I opened my arms and he came running.

"America, it's so boring without you!" Gerald starts complaining.

"Oh really?"

"May and mom never play ball with me!" he then continued to give me his puppy eyes.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey, now that you're here I can play ball whenever I'm free!"

Gerald broke into a fit of whooping while mom desperately tried to quiet him down.

"I'd be happy play with you too," Maxon smiled.

My mom just seemed to realize he was even there. "Maxon sweetie, how are you?"

Sweetie is not what I'd call him right now.

As soon as the both of us made eye contact the smile was wiped straight off his face.

I can't believe it! He can't go back now. This isn't the selection where if he doesn't like one girl he can jump to another. He chose me and it'll be me until the day we both die.

Just a month into our marriage and he's doubting me. I wonder if we picked one another in a haste.

I ushered mom, May and Gerald into their room, on the same floor as mine and Maxon's. While Maxon was getting his work done.

"May, you can stay with me." I turned to see Gerald giving me a look.

"Okay, you too..." and now I feel bad for leaving mom alone.

"You know what, forget the rooms we arranged for you. You're staying with me."

May and Gerald couldn't have been happier and though mom tried to deny it, I could see the smile growing on her face.

"Mom, my room is the size of all of our rooms combined back at our old house. There's plenty of room, so you needn't worry!" I laughed.

I couldn't wait! I missed them so much!

Before I could rush into my room to spend time with them a guard approached me.

"Your Highness, you are urgently needed for a brief meeting in the King's office," he bowed.

Surprising, no one ever listens to me during the meetings. Why would they need me now?

I turned to my mom. "I'll be right back. You can go into my room. If you need anything, Paige and Mary will be there."

My mom unlike herself gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I followed the guard to Maxon's office, where I honestly didn't want to go. After our fight there is no way I'm going to open up to him unless he apologizes.

The palace was quite large since it took us 3 minutes to get to Maxon's office which is on the same floor!

Thee guard paused at the door for a second and I really wished he stood there longer. I dreaded having to see Maxon when he seems so adamant on his position.

He pushed the door open. The room was lined with bookshelves which contained old, restricted books on our nation's history. In fact our nation used to be 2 countries, Canada and the United States of America.  In the middle of the room there was a large wood desk.

Maxon was standing behind it, holding onto his chair. In front of the desk was the head of guards, Avery and...

And Aspen?

My eyes widened. If anything happened to Aspen because of Maxon I swear to the heavens I will burn this palace to the ground.

Once they saw me Maxon beckoned me over. Aspen was smiling like he normally does, like he was trying to brighten up the whole world.

"America, the head of guards wanted to have a private meeting with us to discuss a concerning issue," Maxon stated stiffly, almost robotically.

I walked over and stood at the side, nodding at Avery to start.

"After the recent events that have taken place the palace guards and officials are suggesting foul play," Avery explained.

I raised my eyebrows. Wasn't a rebel attack obviously foul play?

"By insiders or anyone close to people at the palace. There's not much evidence but it is better safe than sorry.

"So what precautions can we take?" Maxon inquired.

"Your majesty, you are surrounded by multiple guards so your protection won't be an issue but the Queen needs more," Avery said.

"She needs a personal guard to be with her everywhere so we can ensure her safety."

"I'm right here you know?" I hate it when they speak as if I'm not in the room, to Maxon about something that should be addressed to me.

"My apologies your Highness. My best guard and your new personal guard will be Aspen Leger," Avery motioned toward Aspen.

Maxon's eyes visibly darkened.

After explaining everything to us Avery left, leaving me, Maxon, and Aspen, my personal guard alone.

"Officer Leger can you please give us a moment and step out of the room for a second," Maxon choked out.

Aspen looked like he was about to protest but gave me a look and walked out.

As soon as Aspen was gone Maxon started and boy, was he angry.

"Did you have anything to do with this? God, a 'personal guard' who always has to be with you!" Maxon harshly whispered, not wanting Aspen who was waiting outside the door to hear.

"Do you honestly still not trust me? Curse you, Maxon! And you know what? Aspen is a much better person to always have around that you!"

Maxon stood there looking shocked. If he was going to yell at me, did he expect me to just stand there and take it.

I turned on my heels and made my way out the office to Aspen, my personal guard and my best friend.

I'm feeling it will do me good to have Aspen and my family around for company and I surely can't wait!

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