179 4 0

America Singer


I was completely out of breath. I was behind the bed, trying to get in in front of the door as a barrier. It was enormous and I could barely move it. This is exactly why Royals are the ones that die first on their own.

I wish someone told me being a Queen meant I had to be able to be a weightlifter!

After quite a bit of time I finally managed to get the bed against the wall.

"Quick, be quick America," I muttered.

This was about survival and by the sounds of it our guards were falling. We were going to be overthrown.

I looked back to the unconscious guard. There's no way I can stay in this room but at least he'll be safer with the door blocked.

I walked into the closet, the trap door Maxon had gone through was long closed. I rummaged through my clothes and found nothing but dresses. I couldn't find a single pair of jeans.

At that moment I vowed to make Silvia pay for the pain she made me go through by all that "princess training" and the pain she's causing me now. I will throttle her when I see her next.

Not only that but Silvia had replaced all my shoes with heels! I switched my heels for the smallest I could find. I had to get out of the palace and get to safety.

I grabbed one of Maxon's bags, the ones he used to store paperwork. There's no way I'm bringing one of mine because I bet if I checked I'd find out Silvia replaced mine with a diamond studded one.

I took the gun from the soldier. I needed it, just in case something went wrong. Aspen taught me how to use it.

Oh, Aspen. I haven't spoken to him in weeks. I don't know if it's because he's busy or if he's mad or if he's plain avoiding me.

I shoved the gun into the bag and secured it around my shoulders. I walked out to the balcony and looked down. As I expected the fight hadn't reached here yet and probably wouldn't. I swung out the hidden emergency rope ladder over the railing.

I was absolutely terrified! I mean, what if the rope snaps when I'm on it?

I swing my leg over the railing and did the same with the other, tiptoeing around the edge.

I slowly lowered myself and put my foot on the first step on the ladder. It gave a shake and I held on for my dear life.

I tried again but this time it was much steadier. It was probably just my nerves.

From this distance, the other side of the palace, you could hear the yells of soldiers. I hoped our reinforcements showed up soon.

I took quite a bit of time for every step down and I couldn't afford that. I had to hurry up.

It took me 20 minutes to get to the ground. Once my feet hit the ground I took off running, like it was the end of my life, it might actually be.

My head was pounding with the adrenaline. Then I realized how stupid I was. Why would I leave the safety of my room for outside, where more of the danger lies?

It wasn't the time to think about that. I had to make sure I stayed alive, if not for me then for Maxon. If I died he would never forgive himself.

Just as I was about to enter the "woods" I heard a shout behind me. It wasn't many but just a single person and they seem to be pretty far behind. If I ran faster I could outrun him.

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