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America Singer

How dare he?!

My face was boiling as I ran pushed past the advisors trying to calm me down. I ran straight for my room. Everything was a blur, I didn't pay attention to the maids, or the new curtains that we had ordered, nothing. I wasn't able to think straight.

Maxon was busy making arrangements for the French to meet us soon. Since he was busy, instead I went to the weekly Royal Council meeting.

What was his name? Erilyn Maroc? I'll make sure I remember that name.

During the meeting, I put in my thoughts and contributed to the ideas as Queen! You won't believe what he said to me!

Every time I thought back to it my blood boiled with rage. It took all my willpower and strength not to slap him and humiliate him in front of the council as he did me.

Humiliated. That's exactly how I feel. He didn't even bother pulling me aside to tell me his revolting opinions.

I simply suggested tweaking one of his projects and he announced to the entire council that they should discuss this all when Maxon was here! He straight up told everyone that 'a Queen's view of the country and its issues are through the eyes of sympathetic woman. We can never get a better look than the clear headed King.'

Who did he think I was? In what era was he born, to think that women had no brain or opinion! He may have been used to Queen Amberly letting King Clarkson make all the decisions but boy, was he up for a rude awakening.

I walked over and plopped myself on my bed. The room was large and absolutely breathtaking, and I being America stripped it to the bare minimum.

I wasn't meant to be Queen. I could barely stand a fancy bedroom, forget fancy dinners and royal balls.

My eyes were stinging. I wouldn't cry, I will not cry. Those mongrels won't take me down. My name is America Singer and I am named after the country that fought until the very last moment. I will fight until my very last moment.

I rest my elbows on my knees and held my head in my hands.


What would he do? What would he say?

"No matter what you'll always be a princess to me," those words echoed in my ears.

I clutched my hair. I had to stay strong for dad, he believed in me and I will not let him down. He does not deserve a coward as a daughter, he deserves a Queen, a Queen that'll change the world.

"America, darling. Are you alright?"

I smiled, relief spreading through me after hearing that familiar voice.

I looked up to see him standing in the doorway. His clothes were ironed to the crisp but like usual his hair beautiful blonde hair was all over the place. There was a frown on his face and his eyes were clouded with worry.

He walked over to me, closing the door. Maxon sat right next to me.

"Do you need to go to the hospital wing? Shall I fetch Mary? I'm afraid you sound like you're having an asthma attack."

I chuckled, typical Maxon.

As he mentioned Mary my mind flew to my maids. Lucy retired and Anne was missing leaving only Mary to my service. Anne, I know it's a lost cause but I need to find her. She can't be dead.

My laughter faded into choked sobs.

"What's wrong?"

Maxon gently took my face between his hands and wiped my tears away this his thumbs. His eyes seemed to be filling with tears as well.

"Why are you going to cry?" I asked.

"Because you are."

He continued on to ask me the same question, "What's wrong?"

"Why do you even need me to be Queen? Why can't you run Illea by yourself?"

"I need a Queen, I need you to help me, I need you to be an advisor and friend," he said looking like he was stating the obvious.

"Well your council doesn't seem to think so," it was barely audible but Maxon seemed to hear me.

"Why? What happened?"

I recounted my story. Expect I was omitting the very violent thoughts I was having at those moments.

By the end of the story Maxon was running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I had no idea they thought about it in that way. I always knew that my father ran things much differently than I am but I didn't expect the council to be so dedicated to his view.

He shook his head in frustration.

I wasn't a supportive person, I was real.

"Maxon, if you honestly just need a pretty face to be your Queen you know exactly why I can't do it and why I won't. I don't care if the past generations or even your mother may have set up that example for all of Illea but I can't do it. I really hope that you won't expect that of me to," I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I was very much an embarrassment. Just last week I almost tripped, stumbling into Maxon on one of the Reports and cameras caught it! There wasn't any criticism or stares, everyone just laughed it off like it was nothing but I couldn't help feel like a fool. Maxon tried reassuring everything was okay but really how could he live the rest of his life with me?

"No, America you know I would never do that," I saw something that I rarely ever saw in Maxon, anger.

He looked angry, outright furious.

Like usually he came straight to my defense, "What was the advisor's name?"

"Maxon, you don't have to," I started but Maxon cut me off.

"If we let this continue we're just telling them it is okay to say those things and let me tell you it is not okay with me when people are disrespecting my Queen. I mean how blind do they have to be to not see how amazing you are. You can run this nation all by yourself!"

"Erilyn Maroc," I whispered.

Maxon started to rise but I caught his hand.

"Is this really necessary?"

"I thought that when the people saw that we made Marlee and Carter our personal attendant they would realize that things would be different," he shook his head.

"Apparently not."

I ran after him but before we could even make it out the door an out of breath guard ran our way.

"Re-re-rebels are i-in the cas-stle," the guard wheezed double over.

Just then the sirens began blaring.

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