Chapter 5- Brothers

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A week has passed since I found out about Mercedes and Eisuke, and I wonder sometimes whether he is happy with her. At night my thoughts wonder to whether he is lying beside her or working next her, all smiles, sipping the coffee she's made him. I am content at work, within myself in my own thoughts. I hadn't told Eisuke about the pregnancy and if I was honest I didn't want to. I wanted him to able to move on, to brighter things without an ex wife and child dragging him down. I didn't want Blip to be a burden to anyone. As Eisuke and I were separated, I was living in a cheap motel that was tacky but clean, it wasn't great but I made do. I pondered whether I should quit the Tre Spades and abandon the group? I sighed loudly, what was the right thing to do?

As I am cleaning the bathroom of one of the rooms in the hotel, I hear a noise coming from the living area. I finish off cleaning the sink and hear, "Violet?". I come out of the bathroom to see him and Baba standing in the centre of the room shifting from one foot to the other.

"Hey Violet, you got a second?" Baba hesitantly asks.

"Sure, I've just finished this room. Technically I'm done for the day now, but why did you come here to me instead of paging?" I ask, smiling sweetly at them.

Apparently they were getting straight to the point:

"Is there another reason that you're acting so cold to Eisuke?" Soryu asks me, keeping his watchful eyes on me as I cross the room towards them. If the coldest liars from the underworld crack under his gaze I don't stand a chance against Sor.

But, that wasn't my reason for wanting to tell them. Fact of the matter was, I didn't want to lie to these two, both were as close to me as brothers. Furthermore, I hadn't told anyone since I found out and I was dying for the feel of strong arms and love to surround me, something I could rely on. We were family, a weird one at that but family is family, and I had to tell them the real reason I was acting so cold to the group.

"Guys, can you sit down for a minute?" I ask, rubbing my hands together in a nervous gesture. They appeared to recognise it and move towards the seating area.

"What is it Violet, are you in trouble?" Soryu asks, concern in his eyes as we all take a seat at the table.

"We're here for you, Cookie. Just tell us what's wrong." Baba says with loving eyes and takes my hand. His warm gives me strength and I prepare myself to tell them about my little Blip.

I am picking at a loose thread in my uniform sweater, concentrating on breathing as I begin to tell them about my hospital visit. They appear interested, I take a deep breath and whisper,

"I'm pregnant."

My announcement is met with silence and their shocked expressions causes me to burst into a fit of tears cupping my face in my sweater.

Soft arms wrap around me and I bury myself in his long hair. He soothes me by trailing his hand up and down my back in cycle. He felt so warm and loving that I melted into him, cradling his chest and realising I didn't want him to let me go.

"Hey come on now pretty lady, don't cry...this is a good thing" Baba whispers, and I feel his smile on my cheek.

Soryu pulls me away from Baba and also hugs me, suggesting that I stay with them for a while, because they want to keep me close.

It struck me then that they were very different brothers to me; both reliable but each specialising in a different fields of affection. Soryu preferred the darker brother scene, hands on protection always watching afar and with a dangerous attitude towards threats, whereas Baba was playful and practical.

"You can come live with me Violet, Soryu's place is a little dangerous for a pregnant woman but he can safety visit you at my house, all of us can. I have a spare room already made up." he says softly running his fingers through my hands.

After a while I stop crying and wipe my eyes with my jumper, "Thank-you Baba, but I'm okay... I'll find somewhere to go."

"Until the baby comes you should stay with him Violet, he's like family and we trust in one another to take care of the group. You taught us that so let us take care of you now." Soryu laughs holding my hand.

"Holy crap Violet, a baby!" Baba says with a huge smile.

"Eisuke's baby." Soryu says with a scowl. "That son of a-"

"He doesn't know." I say simply and their eyes widen.

I explain that the same day I found out about Blip, I found out about Mercedes and I haven't had the chance to talk to him yet.

"That's must of killed you Violet.." he says with a pained expression. "Blip?" Soryu asks giving me a confused look.

"Yeah that's it name for the moment." I say cheerfully running my stomach, ignoring the mention of that woman.

"That's adorable. But I can't believe you told us before Boss though!" Baba exclaims nervously. "What's he going to say?"

"If he doesn't leave that perfume infused woman I might just dispose of her." Soryu sneers, crossing his arms together.

"No, I want him to be happy, that's all I've ever wanted." I resort sadly.

They both knod and things are peaceful between us, family protecting and thriving in each other's company. Until Baba asks what I have been dreading since I found out a week ago, "How are you going to tell him?"

Tonight I thought silently.

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