Chapter 11- A Drunken Man

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I get off work at 7.00pm after my early shift has ended. I discover the pay is good and decide to visit a baby shop that closes late. I wander about the aisles, seeing a few pieces that catch my eyes. I pick up a top that is yellow in colour; it has "Just like Daddy" written over it in swirly writing. Trying not to think too much about it I add it to the basket I have collected; all so small and cute.

I go to the register to pay as they announce they are closing in 5 minutes. A girl who looks to be around 16 stands at the register with a glum look on her face, however when she notices me she perks up with a smile.

"Hello, is that everything Ms?"

"Everything for today yes, thank you" I reply sweetly to her happy smile.

"Wow, you're a lot happier than some of the usual customers in here. Will that be card?" she asks.

"Yes thank you." I take out my Visa and notice my phone is lit up in my bag. I take it out and discover Eisuke is calling me.

I pay quickly and as she is bagging the items I take the call. I could hardly ignore him.

"Eisuke, what is it? Did something happen?" I ask worried.

The is a movement on the other line and suddenly he says "You... you ruined me." slurring his words.


"I was a cold...unloving person but you ruined me." he says again his words long and in a different tone to his usual.

"Eisuke are you...drunk?" I ask shocked. Eisuke is never drunk, he could drink me under the table several times over before he gets even tipsy. Soryu is the only other person I've met who can match him.

"I am so drunk..." he says laughing at the comment as it itself was the source of humour.

"Eisuke, where are you?" I ask, sighing heavily and absently waving goodbye to the kind employee.

"I'm in a bar. Hot lights I think-" he mumbles in the background "-yeah Hot lights apparently I've been here since 12." he says laughing at no one in particular.

I knew the bar he was talking about, it was located about 8 minutes away from me. I started walking toward it without the thought of any repercussions, and found myself at the door while making small talk with Eisuke.

I had called a taxi before entering to take us to the Tre Spades, and entered. The smell of cigerettes and alcohol hit me hard and soon I was coughing.

I found Eisuke at the bar with a glass of the most concentrated whiskey in the world. "Crap..." I exclaim loudly on the sight of Eisuke.

His eyes are drooped and hair greasy. He is leaning on the bar for support, his mouth agape. I am so shocked for a moment it prevents me from helping him.

"Eisuke?-" he looks up from the bar toward me, "-sweetheart..." I exclaim. "Come on, we have a taxi waiting." I pull him towards me so that he is leaning on my shoulder for support. The moment his body touches mine Blip kicks, suddenly I realise how hands on I'm being.

I tell myself to get on with it and soon we are out of the door, in the warm taxi. Upon driving to the hotel Eisuke is saying my name again and again softly, like silk. I am shocked when he turns suddenly so that his head rests on my lap. I had bought two bottles of water on the way, I take them out of my bag and offer them to him.

"Thank you" he says, grinning like a school boy.

"No problem, Boss" I say sweetly and for a moment all is as it was; we are happy and in love. I sweep back his hair and tell him he needs a shower.

He replies rudely telling me to join him, and I realise just how out of it he is. How embarrassed would my collected, cold and on top of the world husband be to see this, I think to myself.

We arrive at the hotel and I pay for our journey. I take Eisuke inside and from his pocket I retrieve the key card to the elevator and key to the penthouse. Making our way I am thankful not many people are around. As the elevator pings I suddenly remember, "Eisuke, where's Mercedes?"

"In Paris for the weekend" he grumbles, still drinking the water. Finally inside his suite after a long struggle I set him down on to his bed.

"Okay Eisuke, please sleep now alright? You need to be sober" I say running my hand along his the edge of his face. He seems to lean into my hand, cherishing its touch. I suck a breath in as looks up at me.

Suddenly he has pulled me forward, and is head is moving downwards; from neck, to my breasts and then stops at my stomach. I am responding to his body without thought and I quickly try to stop him but he wraps his arms around my waist and leans into me, closer to Blip.

"Eisuke..." I whimper.

"You see, Daddy has been quite an idiot recently which is odd for him." I have this sudden realisation: he's talking to the baby. I try to resist but let out a moan.

"He misses Mummy more than you can ever imagine. I've had to hurt her just to get a business deal my little Boss. I wouldn't have done it if I had known. I didn't know you existed my baby, you must know for certain, I didn't know and I want you to know that its killing me, I won't hold you both in my arms when you're born,-" he sniffles a cry,"- I don't love Mercedes, let alone feel the way I do for her like I did your Mother. Your Mother has been the only soul to truly love me without want for gain, ever. She is beautiful, smart and loving which is how I know you'll be the most balanced little button ever. Daddy wishes he could take everything back because he misses Mummy so much. I can't even touch the woman because it makes him feel sick." I take a deep breath. My god.

"What Daddy is trying to say is that he's lost everything because he lost Mummy. Mummy makes everyone family and treats them with love and compassion. I want to tell you that if you find someone like Mummy, and you don't tell me about her, to never let her go because you'll sit at night wondering whether she has moved on or not. I need to tell you that Daddy was wrong, so wrong to have thought he could live without your Mummy. I just hope she finds enough heart to allow me to see you because if she doesn't I-"

I drop to my knees and take his face in my hands, he is crying and red in the face. I kiss his forehead, "I'll never stop you seeing our Blip, Eisuke. I won't ever prevent you custody or turn Blip against you. It won't happen, I promise and you need to believe that." I say with a soft tone, comforting him like a warm blanket after a snow day.

He hugs me, smelling of whiskey, rich cologne and something that was just Eisuke. He smiles into my hair and says, "Please, stay with me? Just a little longer."

I was weak against his small sad voice and agree.

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