Forever and Always

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Author's Note: Hey guys, so I'm starting this new story. It's based off of Twilight but many details don't go along with it. Its going to be an Imprinting story about Angela Weber and Embry Call. Even if you're not a big Twilight fan I'm sure you would enjoy this. So I hope you enjoy because I want to go far with this story.


Angela's POV:

Well here's a few things you should know about me, Angela Weber. I'm 17 years old. I live in Forks, Washington. My father is an accountant, my mother is an elementary school teacher. I have twin brothers named Alex and Adrian, that are a pain sometimes. I'm a bookworm, I'm shy and I think I'm the outsider in my group of friends. I, as every other teenager dealt with challenges in school and life. Life was pretty boring for me, that is until I found my light.


Angela's POV:

My alarm clock blared. 6:00 AM on a Monday. I wanted to kill myself already! I stumbled out of bed, slipping on bed sheet. I fell on the ground and just wanted to stay there. "Angela!! Get up, time for school!! My mom yelled from downstairs. " I'm up"!!! I said. I made my way to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and took a shower. Showers always made me feel better in the morning. I grabbed my towel after I was done and made my way to my room. I picked out my outfit, I always liked the newest trends but sometimes I'd go simple with my outfits because every girl feels lazy at some point. Today I wore a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a blue mid sleeve shirt and a floral scarf. My Toms went with it and I put on one of my favorite bracelets. It was the Quileute wolf sign charm, since my parents were Quileutes. I put in my contacts and a little makeup. I did my hair into a side braid and made my way downstairs. I saw my brothers already eating breakfast and my dad already reading the newspaper, while my mom was making breakfast for him. I looked at the clock 6:45!! Oh god, school started at 7:00 for me. "Good morning everyone" I said. I grabbed a granola bar from the counter and and quickly made my way outside. "Angela!! You really need to start eating a better breakfast!! my mom yelled from our doorway. "Bye Mom, and I promise I will next time" I said. I walked to school, got inside and got to my locker just in time to make it to my first period, Algebra. Ugh I hated this class. "Good morning, class" Mrs. Peterson said. Algebra dragged on as we did some worksheets and some book assignments. Mrs.Peterson asssigned our homework and we got out of there. My next class was history, that was ok I liked learning about myths and stories and such. We learnt about the revolutionary war, which I hated. I had gym next, I liked gym only when we played basketball though. I was good at basketball atleast better than all the girls at my school, who screamed when they saw a ball coming to their face. I wish our high school had a team but I don't think our school was that rich though. We ended up playing crab soccer, which I hated. Next, thank god we had lunch. I got my lunch and sat at our table with Jessica Stanley, Lauren Mallory, Ben Cheney, Tyler Crowley, and Mike Newton. Lunch finished, thank god I only had three more periods left. Biology, French and Band. Biology and French finished quickly and I just had Band left then I could go home. I unpacked my flute and put it together. We played a few songs and then I heard the last bell. I put the homework things I needed in my backpack and I was out of that school. I put in my headphones and walked home. I unlocked the door and I saw both my parents at the kitchen table looking up at me. "Ange, we have some great news!!" My mother said very excited. This could not be good I thought. "We're moving to La Push!!" They both said smiling excitedly. I was excited to move to a place from where our culture sprouted but moving meant new people, a new house and a new school..............

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