He's Back

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Angela's POV:

So it's been about 3 weeks right now and Embry's been gone for a while. The teachers are telling us he has a case of mono. Anyways I'm sitting in my first period math class and Sophia called my name and whispered to me "Hey Angela!! Your lover boy is back"! "Ugh shut up Soph, it's not like that". I forgot to mention that me and Sophia were great friends now, not even....Best Friends!! Anyway I looked at the door. And sure enough Embry came walking through. But he looked different like really different!! He's hair was cropped off shorter than it was before and he got ALOT taller and he had ALOT more muscle! He looked hotter than he did before. "Well Mr. Call were glad to have you back. Take a seat." Mr. Thail said. He took his seat next to me. Mr. Thail began to talk about fractions and what not. Until I heard a deep,gruff voice say "Can I borrow a pencil". It was Embry. I quickly reached into my pencil case and turned to give him one. My finger touched his and I felt a shock go through my body. Like sparks. He looked down at my hand like he felt it too. Then he kept staring into my eyes as I stared into his. I quickly turned away and made a curtain between us with my hair. The bell rung and it was time to go. I tried to walk out quickly but I heard someone calling my name. "Angela!!" Embry yelled as he grabbed on my arm. "Are you doing anything Friday night"?

Embry's POV:

What was her name again?? Angela I talked to her on the first day! And she was the girl Jake tried to hit on. I asked her for a pencil and she touched my fingers I felt a spark. She looked up at me and we were staring at each other. But she quickly put her head down putting her hair on the other side of her face. She was the most beautiful person in the world. She smelt like warm vanilla cupcakes and strawberries. She was just so breathtakingly amazing. I could say so many things about her right now but I knew it was her. I imprinted on HER. I felt like screaming to the world that I was in love with AngelaWeber!!!! After this whole werewolf transformation thing I've had a hard time. But now I finally knew who my soulmate was. And damn did it feel good to know. She was the person that made me instantly happier! The bell interrupted my thoughts and I quickly got out of my seat and ran out the door into the hallway calling her name. She turned around. I asked her if she was doing anything Friday night. "Umm....no not really" she said. "Ok well do you wanna go see a movie that night"? I asked. "Um ok" she said. "Ok well I'll meet you at your locker after school so I could give you my number"I told her. "Ok. Sounds good"she said and with a beautiful smile and then she walked away. My heart felt like it was flying up into heaven. Our date is Friday night. What's today? Holy crap!!! It's Thursday!!

Angela's POV:

He just asked me out and I said yes!! I told Soph and she was literally going crazy over text. Asking me what I was gonna wear and what movie and all that stuff! I can't wait for tomorrow night!

Authors Note:

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had a lot of tests going on in school and finals are this week and next week and I was being kinda lazy. But yesterday (June 19) was my birthday!!!!! But next Thursday is when I get out of school and I'll be updating more. I can't wait for summer! But anyways who's excited for the next chapter! Please tell all your friends to read this cause I want to get a LOT of reads. Anyway till next time!! :)


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