Is She Okay

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Embry's POV:

I waited outside for what seemed like hours. Doctors and nurses had been running in and out, in and out, and in and out. After all the commotion, one doctor came out and he held his mask in his hand. He looked at me with a sympathetic look. "Um Mr. Embry. I'm afriad to say that your girlfriend is in a coma. She hasn't responded to any treatment. But her leg and arm are healing. We just have to wait for the signs". "No, No, NO!!! You must be wrong, that can't be her. She's fine, she's coming back to me." I said choking with tears. I pushed the doctor out of the way and opened the room door. Angela's family and the pack followed. She was there. Silent. Her right hand layed beside her. Her left hand was on her heart. Her two legs were together and straight. She had a blank look, her eyes were closed. She had a bandage above her left eyebrow. She's like this because of me. She rushed to see me while I was in minor pain and now she's experiencing major pain because of it. I hated myself. I kneeled beside her hospital bed, I layed my head on her hand. "Please wake up for us, for me. We love you. I love you. Please, just please." I started to cry. "Please. Please Angel." And then I felt the smallest twitch from her index finger on her right hand. I knew she had heard me. But her eyes still didn't open. I had faith though. I had hope. I knew mt Angel was strong enough to wake her up and she'd be fine. Now all we had to do was wait..

Author's Note: Sorry it's not that long. I haven't had anytime lately to do anything except homework and projects and studying. Striving for those A's, even though I hate mornings, and doing work, and school lol. Please still don't be mad at me, everything in the story will go perfectly ;). So how do you like it so far. VOTE AND COMMENT!!! Until next time


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