La Push High School

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Angela's POV:

We got all moved in, within a span of days and tomorrow morning I was going to go to my new high school. It was a Sunday night, my phone and laptop had died so I was left in bed thinking about the dreading day to come. I didn't want to go! I wanted to stay at my old school with all my friends. Well, I should just hope for the best. That was the worst advice I could give myself. Well, maybe there's something at that school that would make me love it, then I drifted off to sleep.......

The Next Morning

I got up and brushed my teeth and took a shower. I wanted to impress people on my first day, so I wanted to wear something a little unusual. I wore a floral Hollister dress that stopped at my knees, with a jean jacket over and some sandals. I put in my contacts and some makeup. This usually wasn't me but you know it was my first day. Don't be surprised if I wore sweatpants and Jordans for the rest of the year. Just kidding, but sometimes there are just those days. "Angela, you look pretty" Alex said. "Thanks" I told him. "You do look pretty today Angela" my dad said as he passed by. "Trying to impress a special boy" my Dad said in an intimidating voice. "Dadddd!!! I haven't even met anyone from here yet"I told him. "I was just joking with you. But anyways all of you guys have a good day at school" he said. After I finished getting ready I went downstairs and was out the door. The school wasn't far away from our house so I walked. I got in front of the school and took a big gulp. You can do this Angela. Going to a new school isn't that bad. But it is everyone's gonna call me "new girl" and I'll have to eat lunch in the girls locker room or something. But I put on a proud face and walked in there........

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