Beach Party!!

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Authors Note: Hey guys. I hope you guys liked the last chapter. But anyway enjoy all the happy cutesy dates for now cause the trouble will start soon. Anyway once again thanks for reading my story. But I'm telling you guys please comment what you think and vote!!! But lets take a trip to the beach with Angela and Embry!!

Angela's POV:

I dug through my closet trying to find the perfect outfit. Okay, okay that was a little pathetic but don't blame me I wanted to impress the pack. I finally came to a decision to wear a tribal blue tankini. The top had spaghetti straps but crossed in the back. The bottom had strings near my waist that were decorated with blue beads. I wore a pair of blue basketball shorts over and a tank top I got from Delias with Mickey Mouse on it. I French braided my hair into two parts cause I didn't want it to get tangled. I put on my dark blue flip flops from Abercrombie. I texted Sophia telling her I was ready. I didn't pack any sunscreen because it was November, what's the use? I did put a hoodie in my bag just in case. I also made some chocolate chip brownies as a treat for everyone. I heard Sophia pull up, I said bye to my mom and locked the door. "Hey girl!!" Sophia yelled from the car. I got into the front and and gave her a hug. "Ready to go" I asked her. "Hell yea" she said. We drove singing obnoxiously loud the whole way. We made our way to First Beach and I saw a big group of tall Native Americans already there. "Angela!" I heard a familiar voice call my name. It was Embry. He ran to me and picked me up and spun me around. "Come meet the rest of the fam" he said. We walked over and he introduced me to Emily and Sam. "Oh my god Angela! You have no idea how much I wanted to meet you!" Emily said as she gave me a very excited hug. Embry had told me about the scars but even with them she was a beautiful woman. 'It's nice to meet you Angela. Welcome to the family" Sam said shaking my hand and giving me a smile. We walked over to four other boys and one girl. I only knew only two of their names Jacob and Quil. "Is this Angela? You hid such a pretty girl from us. I'm Kim." she gave me hug. "It's nice to meet you" I told her. "This is Jared" Embry said nodding toward the guy standing next to Kim. "Its nice to meet you Angela" he said giving me a hug. "And you know Jacob and Quil from school' Embry said. "Hey Angela" Jacob said grinning as he slung his arm over my shoulder, I blushed. "Hands off" Embry said as he slapped his arm away. "Hi Angela" Quil said giving me a hug. "And the angry one over there is Paul" Embry said smirking. "Hi Angela" Paul grunted toward me. "Hi" I said. I walked back over to Emily and took the brownies out of my bag. "Hey Emily I kinda made this as treat:" I said handing the brownies toward her. "Oh Angela! You didn't have to but thank you!" she said. "Now come grab a plate before the boys finish it all" she said laughing. As I was getting my plate Sophia ran up to me. "Oh my god!!! Angela everyone's so nice and the guys are beyond cute except Sam" she whispered to me. We giggled. We both grabbed a plate and sat down on the blanket she brought. After we finished I suggested we go in the water. So I took off my basketball shorts and my tank top. As I did I heard Jacob yell out hot damn and then I heard a slapping sound. Me and Sophia walked to the waters edge and dove into the water. I swam for a bit and then I was ready to come out. I walked back to my towel and Embry was sitting there. 'You wanna try cliff diving with me" he asked. "It sounds dangerous but lets do it" I said excitedly. I saw Sophia packing her stuff up. "Where are you going Soph?" I asked her. "My mom called for something. Are you ok to get a ride?" she asked. "Yeah I can" I said giving her a hug. Embry then took my hand and walked me through a path and up to the cliffs. 'You ready" he asked me. I stood back and bit my lip "I'm not so sure about going anymore" I said. "Angela don't worry....." I cut him off. "Sike!!! Let's go" I told him. He smiled and grabbed my hand. "1, 2, 3!!!!!" we jumped. The feeling was great. I felt like my stomach was doing backflips. I looked at Embry his eyes were closed and he was smiling. We hit the water and I resurfaced the same time as Embry and then we kissed. It was so magical I know that sounds mad stupid and out of one of those crappy romance books but that's how it really felt. We pulled apart "That was amazing" He said. I nodded. We walked back and saw someone was talking to a very angry looking Jacob. As I got closer I noticed who it was. No it can't be, I haven't seen her in years and she hates me. She tried to ruin me.

Authors Note: Surprises, surprises!!! Stay tuned to find out who it is!!!

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