The Date

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Authors Note: Hey Guys! Well here's the new chapter for Embry and Angela's date. I just want to say thank you for reading my story. I want to get a lot more reads on it so tell your friends or followers on Wattpad. Well anyway I hope you enjoy!

Angela's POV:

So after school Embry came to my locker and we exchanged both our iPhones. We put in both our contacts and he said bye.. I swear I was the happiest girl in the world. So right now, here I am Friday in my last period band. Yes, Embry was in band also. Finally the bell rang. I quickly went to go pack my instrument and get out of there. "Um, Angela " I heard someone say. "Yea", I looked up and saw that it was Embry. "We're still on for tonight right" he said. "Yea we are" I said. He smiled "Great, I just need your address". I quickly wrote it down on a piece of notebook paper and gave it to him. "Well I'll pick you up around 6". "Ok I can't wait" I told him. He smiled and walked away. I quickly packed my things and went to my locker. I got home as fast as I could and did all my homework. It was 3:30. Sophia called me and said she's coming to help me get ready... Sophia came 10 minutes later. "Go take a shower an I will take care of the rest" she said as she pushed me towards my bathroom. After I took a shower I came out and Sophia had my outfit layed out on my bed. My outfit was a light blue high low dress with a floral pattern I had bought at Forever 21. And a pair of light blue Toms. She also had makeup, my straightener, and my contacts layed out. My jewelry were some diamond studs for earrings, a tan BCBGeneration bracelet with the word LOVE on it. And I took out my Quileute sign bracelet. My necklace had a small bow on it. Sophia quickly gave me the clothes and I went into the bathroom to change into them. By the time I came back Sophia already had the straightener going and quickly sat me down on a chair. She helped me put my jewelry on and then proceeded to straighten my hair. By the time she was done she told me to close my eyes. She did a bunch of stuff to my face and told me too look up and look down. "Done!! You look absolutely stunning" she told me. I opened my eyes and looked into the mirror I looked so beautiful. "Soph! Thanks so much for all this" I told her. "No prob, anything for you" she said, coming over to hug me. Just then the doorbell rang. I quickly put on my shoes and grabbed my purse. I sprayed on my Victoria Secret PINK Fresh and Clean on. I made some quick touch ups to my hair and outfit. Then I went quickly went down the stairs and was ready to finally open the door. "Wait!! You forgot your phone!!" Sophia called to me. Then she tripped and stumbled down the stairs. I couldn't control my laughter! She got up and started to laugh too. She gave me my phone which I put in my purse along with my wallet, mints, and lipgloss. I finally calmed down and I opened the door.

Embry's POV:

I was pumped for this date. I asked Jake to borrow the 1970 Dodge Charger he had finished working on. It took a lot of convincing to get a car from Jake that he had just finished working on. But I'm his best friend so he let me take it. It was awesome to drive a car like that especially since it was from my favorite movie series The Fast and Furious. Actually that's what were gonna go see to to tonight. Fast and Furious 6!! Anyway I drove to her house after picking up a bunch of roses from a floral store and rang the doorbell. I didn't dress TOOO fancy. But I wore a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a red tshirt and a leather jacket over. I had my Bred 11s on. I felt pretty good about this day. I heard steps coming down stairs and a big thump. And two girls laughing uncontrollably. And the door finally opened. Angela stood in front of me. She looked absolutely stunning!! She was perfect in every way!!! "Ang. You look beautiful"! I told her. "Thanks you don't look too bad yourself" she said chuckling. Suddenly that girl that Angela was always with came to the door. I think her name is Sophia. "Hi Embry Call! My name is Sophia and you probably know me from all your classes! But I'm Angela's best friend! But anyway I guess your my brother in law now and don't hurt her in any way or else!! But you guys go ahead and have fun! Love you guys!!!" She said as she walked to her car to drive away. "Bye Soph" Angela called out to her. She turned around and blew a kiss. I laughed at Sophia, she was really nice and protective of her best friend. I can see me and Sophia becoming good friends later on. I held my hand out. "Angela. Are you ready" I said. "Yeah I am" she said. We walked to the car and I heard her gasp. "OH MY GOD!!! Is that a Dodge Charger!!! Thats like my dream car!! I love The Fast and Furious series!!! And I LOVE Vin Diesel!!!" She screamed. "That's great!! I said to her. "Cause guess what?! We're going to go see Fast and Furious 6 to tonight!! I told her. She ran to me and gave me a hug and said "Lets not waste anytime here. Lets go to the movies"!! She said. This was awesome!!

The Date

Angela's POV:

We walked into the movie theater and Embry being so sweet payed for everything. He bought my tickets and he bought me snacks. I had popcorn, a coke, and nachos as he got the same. "How do you finish all of that"? I asked him. "Oh it's just a growth spurt I'm having, I get hungry a lot"he said, chuckling. We got in and sat down. The movie started and I screamed out a few times when Vin Diesel came on. Just like every other girl would have. I mean who doesn't love Vin Diesel? Embry was laughing at me. He even made a move on me by putting his arm over on my shoulder. The date was perfect so far. The movie had just ended and we were back in the car. "Thanks for the movie Embry. I really loved it! We have to go see the 7th one when it comes out!! I told him. "No problem. I love the Fast and Furious series too! And I would be more than happy to see the Fast and Furious 7 with you. But, were not done just yet." He said. "Really? Where are we going!" I said. "It's a surprise"he told me. About 10 minutes later we pulled in at the Daddy's Dairy parking lot. We went inside and I got a chocolate with lots of rainbow sprinkles. Embry got a vanilla with chocolate sprinkles. I insisted on paying but he talked me into letting him pay. We sat at one of the tables outside eating our ice cream. "Angela? where did you get that Quileute bracelet"he asked. "Oh my parents are Quileutes. They tell me the legends all the time. I absolutely love those stories and the bracelet was my grandma's!"I said. "Oh that's nice, I'm Quileute too"he said smiling widely. I don't know what I said but Embry looked extremely happy. We talked a little more about his and my life and finished our ice cream. Then it was time to go. I really didn't want this date to end. He dropped me off at my doorstep and said "Angela I had a really good time with you today!" "I did too!" I told him. "I actually had a great time. Thanks so much." I said. Then I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. His face looked surprised and happy at the same time. I was almost about to get into my house when Embry pulled me back. "Angela........Will you be my girlfriend?" He said. "Embry... Of course I will!!" I said. I ran into his arms and gave him the best hug I could ever give. We both pulled apart and he said he would text me later. I went inside all smiley and happy. "Angela. How was your date?" my mom asked me. "It was perfect mom! He's finally my boyfriend" I told her. "That's great! I really like Embry" she said coming over to give me a hug. "Ask him to come to dinner sometime" my mom said. After our hug fest, I quickly ran upstairs to my room and closed the door. I turned on my radio and "The Way" was playing. I threw myself down on my bed. Embry is the guy I've always wanted, and I finally have him. Everything about him is perfect!!! I think..... I think, that I love him.......

Authors Note:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it was pretty long though. Everything is perfect now in the story but the drama will start later ;).

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