Where Is She?

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Embry's POV:

I felt my eyes open and saw blurred images. I felt an agonizing pain shoot through my back. I yelled. I saw what looked like Sue in front of me with her hand on my shoulder. "Embry, honey calm down. I'm gonna help you just turn onto your back" she said in a soft voice. I tried to turn but every move I made it hurt so bad. I couldn't help but scream. I saw the rest of the pack and my mom. There was one person I didn't see. "Where is she" I screamed to them. I tried to sit up but the pain shot through me again and I layed back down. They didn't answer me. Emily leaned into Sam's chest crying. The rest of the pack were crying silent tears. "Where is she" I asked them again. "Bring the morphine" Sue said to someone. The pain was killing me shooting through all parts of my body. It felt like a knife was stabbing me through my flesh. I felt the morphine being injected into me and it relieved my pain a little bit. "Okay bring the stuff Leah" Sue said. Leah came back with one of our sacred Quileute containers kept with our most ancient things, magic things, healing things. None of us were ever allowed to look in there or use anything inside, only the council could. Sue had Jacob and Quil come over and turned me over so my back was facing up and I was laying on my stomach. The pain was unbearable. I was crying out loud terrifying, bone chilling screams. The girls all walked out terrified, scared, and crying. I heard Sue open the container and I blacked out after that.

Angela's POV:

I threw al my stuff quickly into my trunk. I got inside my car after stopping at the little café inside the hotel and got two extra large ice coffees. I started driving quickly. There was no traffic and I was going over the speed limit. Embry was in trouble and he probably needed me right now. I drove and drove and drove. I picked up my second ice coffee and took a sip. I had 15 minutes and I would finally be in La Push I looked onto the side of the other lane and saw two cars slamming into eachother and I quickly tried to pull over but I was too late and the car was spinning uncontrollably toward me. I tried to pull over but it was no use I closed my eyes and braced for impact and when I felt it I said "God, please let me be okay"

Author's Note: I know. I know your probably mad or sad. But I promise you won't be disappointed. Things will go how they're supposed to ;)

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