Chapter Three

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A/N: I would like to say sorry that I have such short chapters, but none the less, I hope that you enjoy them. This one is a bit longer, so enjoy. Since I have already written ahead, I just go back and do my best to edit and find suitable breaks for a chapter. One other thing, sorry that I'm a little late. Sorry the author's note was so long... Vote, comment, and fan! Enjoy peeps!

"Ivory hun, wakey wakey." Carol's voice drifted to me and I fluttered my eyes open. Her figure blurred out off focus till my eyes zoomed on to her. Her curly hair was out of it's pony tail and sticking out everywhere. What happened? I suddenly remembered and shot up with a hiss of pain. My head was pounding from a head ache and the sudden motion felt like someone banging around. Carol's eyebrows came together in concern.

"Woman! You crazy beast! You sat on his lap and when all cray-cray then boom! You passed out on his chest!" she gestured around with her hands and I looked around to see that I was outside on the grass in front of the school. How the hell did I get out here? Carol must have seen my confused look.

"Oh after you went into dream land, Jax carried you outside." Who the hell is Jax?

"Jax?" I said trying to sit up. Carol gave me an incredulous look and stood up and started ranting about how unobservant I was and how I had sat on a super- hot guy's lap and didn't even know his name. And to top it off, who else would he be? I had managed a crouched position, but the pounding in my head increased. Ugh, I need an Advil. Especially if I have to listen to Carol go on like she is at the moment. I heard someone shouting and turned around, clenching my jaw from the pain in my head. Jax was running over towards us. I groaned but Carol immediately shut up and started to fidget. Not that I blamed her. I mean, the kid was a freaking model or something. I turned back around and went to stand. I got a head rush immediately and felt myself falling backwards but strong hands caught me from behind. I gasped, knowing who it was.

"Jeez, I'm gone for one minute and you already trying to run." His voice sounded humored but there was a trace of concern. Grr Ivory, you're just imagining things. Jax turned me to face him. I hadn't really studied him but now up close, he looked like someone I had saw before. I couldn't quite place it, but his face looked familiar. I realized that I was checking him out and blushed. But he was too, and didn't even try to hide it. I blushed deeper now and wished I was more socially involved. My only friend was Carol. She stayed by my side and never let me down. I guess it's better to have one true friend then have a whole bunch of people who aren't. Jax still had a hand on my waist, steadying me. I tried to look like nothing bothered me but the way Jax was acting was really starting to make me nervous. He saw me blushing and smirked, moving closer. I was starting to gasp for air. I frantically tried to say something but my tongue wasn't receiving any signals from my brain. Jax smiled wickedly and moved even closer. The close proximity was really eating away at my nerves. Just when I thought he was going to kiss me a voice rang out.

"J my man!" I recognized the voice and our quarterback, Sam jogging towards us. He stopped when he saw me. His eyes bugged out and a look of disbelief crossed his face. I could see why. Sanya and Sam were together and he often teased me and pushed me around like she did. Not to mention my lack of social skills and unpopularity. Sanya had made me quite popular though, but in a bad way. Everyone knew me as Sanya's little chew toy. A hundred other kids in the school and she chooses to pick on me. Not that I would wish that kind of torture onto someone else, but it really sucks. Jax had turned to Sam, letting go of my waist. I backed away, making sure not to disturb my head ache any more. I turned my back and took a few quick steps away. Hmm, good thing that my head ache had disappeared. I took off into a light jog, trying to block out Sam's voice. I quickened my stride.

"-little nobody-"


"-never was never will be-"

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