Chapter Ten

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A/N: Sorry that this is late, having technical difficulties. Ummm bad news peoples... I won't be updating again for a while. My parents don't want me on any electronics since school has started, or will start tomorrow, but yep. I'm so sorry! Don't blame me though! Blame dad's girlfriend=( Enjoy though, I'm super grateful for all the support as well, thanks.

Practically nothing had changed. The road still wounded all around with pines dotting alongside it. I had driven the car up half way before major snow had stopped me from going any farther. After almost getting stuck a few times, I drove into the woods a little bit then parked the car there. I didn't even bother locking it. I tossed the keys under the floor mat and grabbed the back packs. Everything was muted and silenced. My ears had already popped from the pressure. The only sounds were my breathing and the crunch of snow. The back pack wasn't heavy at first, but after three miles going through the trails, I realized just how heavy it was. I slowed my climb upwards and shrugged off the pack. My shoulders were stiff and hurt when I rolled them. Three long grueling hours, trudging through snow and carrying a 35 pound back pack. Yea... not fun. Somewhere here along these trees would be a path. Two bare oaks that would mark the entrance. After 10 years the trail would have been over grown and probably almost lost. But since I've been 5, I've ran up and down the trail. Even now, as I looked for the oaks, I could see it in my head. Row upon row of pines lined up the sides of me. The forest deep in snow. Hare tracks made a circle and disappeared under a trees gnarly roots sticking up. I almost went past it, but I stopped to examine it. So familiar. The next tree was 20 feet over. I smiled to myself. Here it was, my entrance.

The snow wasn't as deep here. All the tall tress had blocked off a lot of the falling snow. This made everything easier. I only had about a mile till I reached the house. In my mind I could see it. The wooden house with the brick fire placed and beside it the large wood stack dad had made and stacked together. I was almost jogging now. My adrenaline was going through me, making my legs move faster. In my head I knew that this trip may have been just a waste. But I wanted answers, something everyone seemed to incapable of giving me. So I was going to find them out myself. As the trees thinned, the snow thickened. My going was slower now. But at the hill above the valley, I could see the house. Every part of my brain was going through memories. All good. Until the last memory of my old home came to me. My knees shook a little as cold sweat trickled down my back. My breath was vapor, making me wonder if that was smoke coming out the chimney or not. I took a few steps forwards squinting. I felt my heart pick up pace. No one should be living there. Maybe I was just imagining things. I looked down and shuffled forward some more. The snow was under some ice. I suddenly remembered the time when mom had fallen through the ice that was hanging over the mountain. She had tumbled down like 50 feet before grabbing a hold of a rock. Looking down, I had way more than 50 feet to go. I realized my mistake too late, the ice was already cracked and my body shifted forward. I hit the ground and tried to wiggle back. The ice shifted all the way and next thing I knew I saw white snow and rocks heading my way. The last thing I felt was ice coming down on me.

Jax P.O.V.

"Give me one good God damned reason why I shouldn't rip you to pieces right here and now." Jarod's lip curled in distaste as he looked me over. I could feel my frame shaking. This dumb ass comes into Ivory's yard without even being invited?! I think the fuck not. The chick Laty was holding onto my shoulder. My body's first impulse was to shrug her off, but that would be a bit disrespectful towards Ivy. At the thought I glanced to the house where I saw her shadow was moving in the kitchen. I frowned and turned back to Jarod.

"Jax, I can handle this. I know him pretty well and he's no threat to me." Laty tried to reassure me. I laughed humorlessly.

"No offence to you, I really don't care about you. Ivory is my main concern." Her hand that was on my shoulder moved slightly at the mention of her name. I threw a look back to Jarod and started walking back to the house.

"Don't come any closer or I will personally rip your head off, dog." I didn't even turn to look at them. I could smell Ivory's scent but it wasn't strong enough for her to be in the room.

"Ivy." I walked into the kitchen where some drawers were open and food spilled on the counters. I ran to the hallway where the swinging ax was gone and into Laty's room. That was where her scent was the second strongest. On the pillow was a wad of bills. My stomach clenched as I realized what was going on. I didn't even hold back on my speed. One second I was on the room and the next outside in the driveway where the black car was missing. I clenched my jaw and stormed into the kitchen. No. No way in hell was she that stupid. I slammed my fist onto the counter, wincing as the stone cracked under the blow. Blood roared through my ears as I threw back the glass door and walked past Laty who was looking at me in confusion. Jarod watched as I walked up to him. I was so lividly pissed. This mutt had fucked things up, like always. Half way to him I kinda lost it. I was nothing but a blur as I ran at Jarod. My eyes calculated his move as I twisted in the air and layed a blow to his chest, throwing him to the ground. I landed two punches to his face before the snarls of his pack were heard. Without another thought I pushed myself up and sprinted with all my fury and anger to my car. The keys were already in and I threw it in reverse and had it back into gear already with my foot to the petal as the wheels spun to catch up. My hands gripped the steering wheel so hard it cracked at the top slightly. My emotions were peaking up to the point where I almost felt numb. Overwhelming. The next few hours went by slowly as I flew down the high way. I was a blue and silver blur. 2012 Dodge Challenger moving at 180 miles an hour. I honestly didn't know what was going on with me. She just smelt so...tempting. When I had walked into the classroom and saw her, I knew I had to have her. Every fiber in my body had screamed for a taste. Just thinking about it made my mouth water. But the thought of conflicting any harm to her made me cringe. That was the main cause of that kid named Sam getting a nice broken nose along with the traditional two black eyes. I would have like to do more to him, but that human girl was just standing there. I pulled over into an old gas station and immediately stiffened. I could smell her. She was here. I jumped out and strode into the store. An old man sat on a stool, snoring. No doubt about it. Not too long ago she had came here. I slammed my fist on the counter and the man let out a snort and straightened up.

"Have you seen a girl come in with long brown hair and hazel eyes?" I ignored the fact that I had just woke him up from a peaceful slumber. He squinted at me and snorted in. I grimaced as he spit it into a can at his feet.

"Yea I seen her on in here." I drummed my hands on the grimy counter and looked up at the ceiling. I was seriously losing patience.

"How long ago?"

"Let's see...'bout an hour ago." I was already walking out the door and heading back to my car. I had an idea where she was going. And unfortunately, I knew she was going to run into an old friend.

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