Chapter Twelve

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I had the strangest feeling, like I was flying through the air, but yet I knew I was stationary and on the ground. Yet for some reason or another, that feeling seemed to stay there. I slowly lifted my head, blinking a little at the harsh glare of the sunlight. I was lying on a sleigh. Well that’s what it looked like to me… I was dressed in a white parka along with some strange material pants. My feet were simply wrapped up in some type of cloth. I wiggled my toes around, trying to figure out where I was. I remembered everything that had happened. I had finally come face to face with my parents’ murderer, even though I didn’t find out much, except his name. Ash. I shivered slightly, not just from the cold that was seeping into my clothing, but the meaning behind his name. The man who killed my parents and haunted my dreams for years to come, the man who’s voice floated on the wind, making me turn around, making sure that he wasn’t standing there behind me ready to finish off the job. I sat up all the way, feeling the hoodie on the parka slip off, my hair slightly damp. I was surrounded by trees, snow everywhere. A set of boot prints were around the area of the sleigh, leading off to the left. I put my feet over the edge into the snow, wincing as the cold bled through. Deciding to wait, I withdrew my feet from the snow and sat cross-legged. I stretched and yawned, taking a deep breath, pine and a fresh, clean scent wrapping around me. Everything seemed still and quiet, until I stopped moving. Off to the sides, I could hear small animals moving around through the snow. The sounds of some birds calling to each other could be heard off in the trees. But I could also make out something else. It sounded like water, maybe a small stream that hadn’t frozen over yet. My breath formed vapor in front of me, making me go cross-eyed as I tried to focus on it. Shivering, I uncrossed my legs and drew them close to me, feeling the material with my cold, trembling hands. I could see the toll the cold weather had had on my hands, the skin was dry and cracked, making me wince slightly. The material was soft and light, yet it seemed to hold in the heat better than my parka which was well insulated. 

“It’s hand made by the dwarfs.” My head whipped to the left, where a tall Ash stood, his dark eyes bottomless as he stared at me.

“D-dwarfs?” I shivered violently, my whole body starting to shake as I took a deep breath of the cold air. The only thing seeming to keep me warm was the pants, my whole upper body and feet were totally frozen.

“M-hm. Dwarfs. It’s rare to come by, so be thankful that you have them.” He stopped talking and continued to watch me as I shivered. I felt rather uncomfortable under his gaze, shifting slightly and trying to avoid eye contact. I made the mistake of locking eyes with him, my whole body suddenly froze up, the shivering ceased. In those dark pits, I could see it all. The past, the present, the future. All there. Fire, dark shadows, red. The longer I looked, the deeper I felt myself being pulled into them. Things around started to fade, becoming a blur until all I could see was that fire. The fire that consumed everything in its path. It left nothing in its wake, nothing but pain and destruction. As the fire burned out, it started to snow. No, not snow. Grey flakes fell from the sky, covering the damage. Ash fell from the sky. Ash.

“Ivory.” I blinked and everything seemed to warp back into focus, Ash’s face less than an inch from mine. The eyes that had seemed so black from far away were such a deep burgundy that they just seemed black. He snapped his fingers in my face, waving his hand about. I blinked a few more times and was suddenly hit with the cold again. 

“I’m cold.” I blurted, not quite sure what to make of what I saw. Ash didn’t move, he simply stared at me, his pale milky skin making his eyes stand out. Stand out more than the blood on his chin. My hand seemed to suddenly have a mind of its own, reaching out and wiping it off with my thumb. Ash stiffened under my touch, surprised. I was surprised as well at my actions. Dropping my hand to my lap, I shivered again, curling up, hiding my now blazing face. Why had I done that? I didn’t even think about it, it just…happened. Ash cleared his throat and I could hear him as he took a step back.

“I know you’re cold, but you are just going to have to hold on for another hour or two till we get to the coven. There you’ll be warm and you can have some food. Just… get some rest till then.” Without warning, the sleigh suddenly lurched forward, pushing me backwards. Opening my eyes, I could see us zooming through the world of white, nothing seeming to pull or push us. Ash was holding onto the railing behind me, his feel on the bottom rung. He glanced down at me and winked, turning his eyes back to the path in front of us. I wasn’t sure how we were even moving, nothing was pulling, nothing was pushing. Shaking my head, I leant against the rail and closed my eyes. Pulling the hoodie of the parka over me once more, I huddled against the biting sting of the cold and wind as it whipped around me. I began thinking, what had I saw in Ash’s eyes? Was I just simply imagining it? How could someone possess something such as that? I felt the pulling of sleep as I replayed what I had seen in my head, all the fire eating up what was in its path. And then down came the ash, covering everything in its grey blanket.

A/N: Sorry that it's so short guys, but I keep feeling like I am neglecting you, so I made something that will hopefully make you a little happy. I know I sure am happy, this is the longest story of mine so far yet! Ha, I'm so happy. Ok well I shall let you go, feel free to vote, comment or fan or something. It would mean a lot to me if you commented, I always feel better knowing that someone is reading and enjoys my work. Bye bye now!

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