Chapter Six

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A/N: Another chappy! Enjoy! V, C, F!

I moved away from him desperately, bumping into the rock behind me. Realization dawned up his face.

"Oh, no no no no no! I swear, Ivory, I didn't. It wasn't me." I was starting to shake.

"Then who the hell was it?!" I yelled at him. He shook his head at me. All of my life I had been searching for the man who killed my parents. The dark hair, skin, but the eyes were different. Jax's were green. The kind that would look like a leaf when you make the sun shine through it.

"Not here, I can't say. But if you think it's me, then I know who." Something about his voice and his pleading eyes made me nod my head ok.

"Ok..." I whispered, no longer looking at him. He stood up slowly and looked around.

"Here's the deal, we have to get out of this area like pronto. So, I'm going to carry you on my back while you close your eyes. Bad news for ya, we're going swimming too." Swimming? Where the hell would we go swimming at? He put a finger to his lips and held out a hand to help me stand. Swimming? I was starting to get nervous. I was a little run down from all the close calls today. He grinned down at me as I took his hand. It was cool and ruff. I shivered slightly. Holding a boy's hand felt foreign to me. I wanted Carol by my side. She could help. Or just stare at Jax like he was some Greek god. Heck, maybe he was. No one was born naturally looking like he just stepped off a runway. But then my previous thoughts came to my mind. Was he actually a...vampire? Was it possible that he could be? They didn't exist did they? And werewolves? Oh no. My head swam with all the possibilities. Having a mild form of Narcolepsy was putting a toll on my life. Especially since Jax had seen me go down once already. I willed myself to stay awake, but the woozy-ness took over. I heard Jax mutter, "Well that makes things easier."

The sounds of running water woke me from my unconscious state. Jax was muttering to himself as he tossed rocks into the fast flowing river. He sat on the bank, picking up pebbles that were in the sand. I raised my head slowly, careful not to make a sound. Jax never turned to look at me.

"Do you always do that? Pass out?" He tossed a small round pebble in and it skipped on the surface once before being swallowed by the hungry rushing water. I was frozen up on one elbow. How the hell he hear me?

"Pass out? Um, I don't know what you're talking about." I sat up fully and touched my head lightly. It was pounding slightly. I really didn't feel like giving information about myself when I didn't even know his last name.

"Really Ivy? That's what, twice now? Medical problem or am I just so hot your body can't handle it?" I blushed a little at his words. He had no idea.

"It's just a mild medical problem. No biggy." Jax stood up and sat by me.

"Anything that's a "medical problem" is, well, a problem. No matter how small." Jax leaned back on his hands and looked at me expectantly. I wondered if I should tell him. He might go running if I did. But I already knew that he wasn't like everyone else.

"Sam never told you?" I asked, not making eye contact. I kind of wished he did, then I wouldn't have to say it out loud. But if he did then why would Jax ask?

"No, Sam never said anything about it. Just that you were a, and I'm quoting here, "Sorry, good for nothing whore who runs along everyone else's shadows because your nothing and no one loves you", that's what he said." Jax's face was neutral, no emotion. It was kind of freaky.

"What was your reaction?" I asked, almost a whisper. Hearing the words out of Jax's mouth hurt. Like he had said them himself. My stomach was starting to hurt and I wanted to go lie down on something soft. My legs hurt and now this.

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