Chapter Nine

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A/N: Hai! Welcome to the ninth chapter! Enjoy!

Somehow I had gotten out without anyone even coming out to see what the car motor was. I had taken my car and was filling it up, already a good 20 miles away. An old guy at the cash register was giving me weird looks and I had managed to ignore him, pretending to play with my key chain as I waited in line. It was finally my turn and I handed him a fifty and he just looked down at my money and back up to me. The problem was that he wasn't even looking at my face. I crossed my arms self-consciously and waited for him to take the money.

"'Dat real?" He had a strong southern drawl and I winced at the smell coming from his mouth.

"Yes." I replied curtly and taped my foot as he shrugged and took the money. He rang the register and handed me a receipt.

"Come back anytime, baby cakes." I made a face and walked out. I looked down at the receipt and shrugged. He owed me 33 cents. All well. I started the black Eclipse and mentally thanked my lucky stars that I was given my mother's car. It still smelled like her too. A light floral with a touch of sweetness. I sighed and pulled back onto the high way. The sun was sinking in the west, pointing me where I needed to go. I sighed again and got comfortable. This going to be a long ride.

The steady hum of the motor was the only sound in the car. I had occasionally turned on the radio but was disgusted with everything I heard. Either someone had left them or their dog had up and died on them. I mean, how more depressing could you make life? Lights flashing up ahead made me back way off on the gas. I only had my learners permit and getting stopped by the cops this late at night would not be good. All the traffic ahead of me slowed and I started to get nervous. They wouldn't do vehicle and registration checks this late at night would they? I tapped on the steering wheel and quickly got out the navigation system and fired it up. If I needed to, I was going to cut into the woods and pray to god I wouldn't get caught and I hit no trees. Or get stuck... I grabbed the back pack from the back seat and tossed it next to me. I would seriously abandon the car if I had to. I knew the way, but the prospect of going to my parents' house where they were killed scared the living day lights out of me. But it also made me feel better. I might find something there that could help me find out about this new world I had discovered. As the car in front of me picked up speed I sighed in relief. No late night checks. On the side of the road was an overturned SUV with a ford pick-up laying upside down in the ditch.

"Yikes" I breathed, craning my neck to see. I turned back to the road and rubbed my eyes. Next exit I was stopping at Mc Donald's or Dunkin Doughnuts to get iced coffee. And something to eat would probably help too. I yawned widely and shifted in the seat. I wonder if Jax was ok. I frowned at my thought. He looked just like him. The man who killed my parents 7 years ago. I was 10 at the time and some of my best memories were blurred, but that one was crystal clear. Jax had told me he would tell me who killed my parents but he skillfully avoided the answer. But I had also avoided his questions about my "medical problem". Like he cared. He just needed an excuse to make fun of me at school. Thank God it rarely happened at school. Or just anywhere. The thing is that I never gave anyone the satisfaction of doing it to me. Sanya never really made me too nervous. Just angry. The car going by me honked and I straightened up and looked around. I had slowed down to only 50. I yawned again and put the petal to the metal, speeding towards my destination.

I slurped happily( well as happily as possible) on the iced caramel and chocolate. The cheap hotel I had stayed at was across from a Dunkin Doughnuts. And the hotel wasn't that bad. Everything was quite clean and only 50 bucks for the night. Just no hot water but the cold shower was just what I needed. Hell I would have jumped in the pool to clean. But god only knew what had gone on in there. I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I swished the ice cubes and coffee about. I was currently outside in the parking lot, leaning against my car in jeans and a heavy jacket over a yellow tee shirt. The sun was just rising and I had managed to get 6 hours of sleep. Now it was early morning and for the first time in my life, I got up before the birds. I finished off my drink and tossed it into the black mesh can next to my car. I did a once over everything. Gas was good, tire pressure good, oil good, water, and looked at the engine. Daddy would be proud. I climbed in and started the car, enjoying the rumble. Backing up carefully, I headed out to the main road and from there, heading back to highway. Just 173 more miles to go. I had filled up again when I came into town so I was good on that. No cars were on the road except the occasional one here and there. A semi went by and the driver, an African-American, waved at me. I smiled back and waved. I felt tiny compared to the large steel vehicle. Three red lights later I was on the highway and cruising towards Harrisonburg, Virginia. My back pack was filled with warm clothes and blankets. The pack was practically exploding with food and extra water. I needed it if I was going into the mountains. It was not far but finding the house in the newly populated area and snow might be difficult. I had the chains for the tires already in the trunk. Mom drove this car into the mountains so I had no worries. During the night my thoughts had wondered to Jax and Laty. The whole situation was just confusing and weird. Laty had basically lied to me. And Jax, for a few moments he led me to believe that me may just like me. Stupid foolish girl. I took a deep breath and continued on. No one was getting in my way now. No Jax, no Laty, and sure the hell no cop. There were things out there bigger than us. Larger and stronger. My suspicions on werewolves were kinda sketchy. But one things for sure; vampires existed.

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