Chapter Seven

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A/N: Sorry that this is short. But I wasn't sure where to cut it off at. Enjoy everyone!

"Aunty I'm home!" Jax walked in behind me as I strode into the kitchen. I had changed my clothes, all the blood and dirt wouldn't have been easy to explain to Aunt Laty. Jax had somehow gotten me a blue pull-over and khaki shorts. On the way back I had fallen asleep and later woke up sitting in an apartment. Which Jax said he was renting for the week till he got a place for himself. The house was a little quieter than usual, putting me on edge. Jax was watching my movements as I opened the fridge and looked at the expiration date on the milk. Aunty bought fresh milk every two days. I counted in my head. She should have bought new milk yesterday but this one was already 3 days old. Going onto 4 counting today. I frowned and looked on the fridge. No note.

"Aunt Laty!" I headed towards the living room and did a sweep through. Nothing was out of order. Blue crystal vase, leather couch, polished tables. I swiped a finger across the back of the couch and looked down at it. Dusty.

"Something's wrong." I whispered to Jax. He looked around the room and touched my elbow lightly.

"She's a clean neat freak. And she buys a new jug of milk every two days. The milk is old and everything has a fine layer of dust. She would probably rather die than have something of hers dusty."

"Hmm. Maybe she's just sleeping." I hurried off to her bedroom at the end of the hall way by the living room. I paused outside of her door and took a deep breath.

"Aunt Laty, are you in there?" Nothing but silence met my words. Jax opened the bath room door across the hall and peered in. I put my hand on the door knob and called out, "Aunty, I'm opening the door." I gently turned the knob when Jax suddenly grabbed me by the waist and threw me to the floor. I gasped as a blade swung down right where I just was.

"What the..." I trailed off, looking at the swing blade.

"Does Grandma like the medieval times?" Jax asked, helping me stand.

"It's Aunt and no. What the hell is going on?" I stopped the moving blade and peered into the room cautiously. Nothing was out of place except the decapitator. No wrinkles on the bed, flawless. I shook my head, trying to bring my heart rate down.

"Er, thanks by the way." Jax was already heading towards my room. Nosy much? I was on the lookout now. Maybe Aunt Laty just had a wacked out security system. But like really messed up. In the head. Jax pointed at my door.

"Your room?" I nodded and went to open it, but stopped.

"Is something going to come swinging out at me?" Jax tilted his head to the door as he wiggled the door knob gently.

"Nope." I looked at him confused. How would he know? Jax opened the door cautiously and I glimpsed something red on the wall. He quickly slammed it shut and blocked my access.

"You can't go in there." His voice was strained and I could see in the gloomy light his jaw was clenched. His eyes were dark. The darkest I had seen them.

"Why not? Let me through. It's my room Jax." I tried to get to the door but he stepped to the side, blocking me off. I gritted my teeth together.

"Jax, get out of my way. My house, my rules. So move it." My voice was hard and had an authoritive ring to it. I was a bit surprised at the tone but faced Jax anyway. He better move it. I was the one who almost got decapitated. And his bossy manner was getting on my nerves a bit. He had an eyebrow raised and looking at me. He shook his head again.

"Ivory, you walking into there would be a little...dangerous for the female state of mind," he shrugged. I felt my cheeks heat up but this time not from embarrassment. I curled my hands into fists and tried to control my anger. One, two, tree. I breathed in a deep breath, trying to calm my temper. Jax smirked slightly.

"This is good news! You have a wee temper." I was glaring at him but then a plan formed in my mind. I cleared my face of all emotions and turned from him. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed down a fudge pop tart. I popped it into the toaster and poured myself a glass of milk. Jax didn't follow me and I pretended not to care. Can't make the animal move out, then you smoke them out. Jax is the animal. I sipped the milk and looked at myself in the toaster reflection. My hair was in messy bun with hair sticking all around. I grimaced at the sight. The smell of fudge filled the air and my stomach growled. I sipped my milk and looked into the living room and down the hall. The door was open partly and the spot of red I saw was curtains. I took off my shoes and walked down the carpeted down the hall silently. I pushed the door open slowly and held back my laughter. Aunt Laty was laying in a pan of dark blue paint. The worst part was she was wearing a bikini. Jax was going through my closet which upset me. I tip toed behind and him and took a deep breath.

"Do it and I'll stick my tongue down your throat." I exhaled my breath of air in a strangled whoosh. He glanced back behind him and tossed me a comforter.

"I told you not to come in. And that's seriously your aunt?" He chuckled, indicating towards her.

"And you call her Aunty."

"No! I only did it because you were here. I was hoping you would think she was old and leave." I huffed and threw the cover over top of Laty. Jax chuckled and shook his head.

"Why? Because you knew she was hot?" my mouth moved open and close in shock. He though she was hot? Just because she had that perfect bleach blonde hair and pretty blue eyes... Yea he was right. I turned away from him and headed back towards the kitchen. Ok, well at least no one was dead like I originally thought. My fudge pop tart was popped out of the toaster, bent in half from the heat. I pulled a small plate out of the cabinet and popped the pop tart out of the toaster slot and tossed it onto my plate. I grabbed my glass of milk and walked out onto the outside porch. Jax walked out behind me and I glared at him as I sat down at the round glass table. The small pond out back had dragon flies flitting around. The patch of woods behind that was alive with the sounds of birds and insects. Jax sat in the chair opposite side of me.

"Nice place." He said as he adjusted himself. I didn't even look at him. I ate my pop tart slowly as I thought. I started from the beginning of everything. At school he embarrasses me in front of everyone, then I pass out and he comes back. I ran off into the woods and he punches Sam in the face. I took a sip of milk as I wondered on what the wolves were doing. And the deal with naked men. I shuddered at the memory. Lovely thoughts. Jarod and his little group of friends in the woods. The house and what had that kid said? "We" didn't mean to? Then Jax just pops up while I'm taking a bath. I racked my brain for more info. Oooh and the Spanish dude. Jax had like blown up on him. I tried not to think ahead of his future. I suppressed a shudder as I finished off my pop tart. I had a suspicion for years that supernatural creatures, or just sick people who pretended to be something else, existed. The autopsy report had said that my parents were just bitten by some crazy person who somehow had drained all the blood from them. I had been in denial for years. Laty who actually was just a cousin had decided to take me in. She was by far one of the most responsible young people I had ever met. She was only 21 and was on her last year of college with 2 part time jobs. She worked hard and succeeded in a lot with what she did. I felt bad about her doing a makeover in my room. She must have fallen asleep during the process. I had been staring off into the woods and for the first time had noticed a dog like figure in between some trees. I felt a shudder pass through me as I recognized what it was.

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