Chapter Thirteen

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The moment we entered the village, I found myself in total shock. Everywhere you turned, there were small huts made of deer skin and other things. People, well, I wasn’t sure what they all were, walked about carrying wood and dead animals. Women walked by in fur pelts, the men clad in similar clothing, though not as heavy. Ash had pulled the sleigh to a stop about a mile back. Yea, he made me walk a mile in the friggin’ snow. But it wasn’t as bad as I had thought. The strange material that supposedly came from dwarves kept my feet warm without a problem. Now, walking past a huge tent, a little girl ran out and slammed into me. I let out a little “Oh!” before falling down. The little girl froze, blonde hair sticking out from her hood. Her hazel eyes were wide in surprise and fright. I too, was rather surprised.

“Tailyn!” A small woman with the same blonde hair ducked out from the tent.

“Mama!” Tailyn scrambled up and practically jumped into her arms. The woman looked down at me, then to her daughter, shaking her head, she extended a hand to me.

“I’m sorry about that, little Tailyn here has a little habit of not looking where she is going.” I took her hand gratefully and smiled.

“That’s alright. She took me by surprise, I wasn’t expecting a little cutie to come busting out like a cat after a mouse.” The woman chuckled and I found myself laughing with her. Her warm chocolate eyes and laughter reminded me of my mother.

“I’m Sirene, would you like to come in for some warm tea, I just made some.” Looking for Ash, I saw that he was nowhere to be seen. Well then…

 “I’d be delighted! I’m Ivory, nice to meet you.” The woman smiled and pulled back the tent flap, allowing me to walk in. Tailyn skipped in and scooped up a small stuffed bear in the middle of the tent. The ground was covered in various animal skins. Tailyn did a circle and looked at me.

“Shoes off!” She nearly shouted, pointing at my skin shoes.

“Oh, right.” I mumbled, acting as if I knew all along. Sirene laughed and ruffled Tailyn’s hair.

“She’s just a bit bossy.” Tailyn smiled at me and bowed. My eyebrows rose.

“I can see that.” I replied, slipping off my shoes.  Sirene busied herself by a small table, pouring a hot steaming liquid into a small wooden cup and handing it to me. I accepted it greatly and sat down in the middle. Tailyn plopped herself next to me and as Sirene got herself a cup.

“Looks like someone likes you.” Sirene winked as Tailyn and the little girl giggled. I smiled at the sound, glad to see some happiness. Taking a sip of the tea, I had to hold myself back from moaning in absolute bliss. The heat just spread through my body, wrapping my in warmth. The tea itself tasted like heaven. Sweet, but just perfect, something nutty, and a kind of minty feel on your tongue.

“So you’re not around here are you, Ivory.” I looked up at Sirene, lowering my cup which was now empty. I contemplated for a moment whether or not if I should tell her. I couldn’t be sure if I could trust her.

“Um, no. I actually don’t even know what ‘here’ is.” Sirene studied my face carefully, as if she were looking something. Leaning back slightly, she said, “You’re a Summers.” It want a question, it was a statement.

“Wha- how-” Not knowing quite what to say, I settled for a strange hand movement. Sirene smiled slightly.

“You look just like your mother.” I froze for a moment, not quite sure what to think or say.

“You’re probably wondering how I know all of this.” I nodded slowly, trying to find my voice.

“Your mother was one of the most gifted supernatural assassins that this realm has ever seen. She’s bested the best of the best. Feared and loved my many, she was a face that you would know anywhere. She married Lucas Spinners, another very well-known hunter. When married, she chose to keep her maiden name. Her married name would be passed to her first born and her maiden to her second. She had hoped that this would keep the family names going.” Sirene paused and stood up, taking my cup that had fallen to the floor and walked over to where the pot of tea was.

“The two were twins, exactly ten minutes apart. Both born under half moon. While in labor with her second child, the first was stolen. Your father wasn’t there when she gave birth. It was just her and I. I had handed your sister off to the other doctor. He ran with her and was found six miles away, dead. No one was quite sure where your sister went, or what happened to her.” Sirene handed me my drink and continued.

“About seven years  ago, we got a new queen, the same time that your parents were killed. No one was quite sure who she was, or what she was. Well, we do now. I’m sorry to put all of this onto your shoulders, but you need to know. Your sister is Rahlia, Queen of  Nam Animae. You have to kill her.”

I was frozen. I had a sister… She was a queen. And I was supposed to kill her.

“Sirene, I don’t think that you-”

“Listen to her, she’s telling the truth.” I whipped around and there stood none other than Ash. Sirene looked over at him and looked back at me.

“You were brought here to end the reign of your sister. It was written in the stars that you would come forth and end the reign of your sibling. Ash brought you here to stop her. Wars rage, both people and supernatural die, and our world is falling apart because of her. Because of Rahlia, our world is falling apart.” Silence engulfed me, letting everything sink in.

“You saw some of what she’s done. You know.” I looked at Ash, confused. Then I remembered. His eyes. They held the truth to the terror and destruction that had been brought forth upon the land.

“It was our village.” He whispered softly.

“Rahlia has an army of demons. They are very hard to kill and they have absolutely no feelings. They’ll kill anyone and anything that stands in their way.” Sirene said, standing once more.

“The only reason they’re loyal to that bitch is because she’s just like them.” Ash muttered. Sirene picked up Tailyn who had fallen asleep and put her on top of a mound of blankets and pelts.

“Your training will start tomorrow. I know this is a lot, but your destiny needs to be fulfilled. You’ll be taught how to use a bow, sword, knife and a huge assortment of weapons. You have less than three months before you’ll be forced to fight. Till then, we need to get you ready.”

A/N: Hey! Yes, I uploaded for the imagainary people who read this. Sorry about any mistakes, I really didn't feel like going back and reading through everything again.

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