Chapter Eleven

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A/N: I'm baaaaack! I missed you guys soooo much! I hope you missed me too;) I finally got my computer back so I can upload more often. My time on here is heavily restricted though. I'm sorry that you had to wait so long. You have no idea how frustrating it was to have all these ideas and not being able to write them and add them to the story. I haven't edited anything yet, so please forgive for any mistakes. I'll go back to edit later, I was just so excited to be able to upload somehting.I really hope everyone enjoys. I'll do my best to work on it some more. Love you all! 

Jax P.O.V

“I swear this mountain has more curves than most women!” I finally gave up and just turned the thing off. I could go the rest of the way on foot. Even in the crisp air, I could smell traces of her. The light sweet fragrance of brown sugar. No, better than brown sugar. There wasn’t even a name to it. I could already see the signature twin trees. Her prints were almost totally covered by the freshly fallen snow. As soon as I stepped through the entrance I felt a pain in my skull. I fell to my knees in the snow and grabbed my head. The pain was a slash of white hot throbs, going and coming back. I knew immediately who’s it was; Ivory. Even without the exchange  of blood, I still felt a connection to her. Some humans were like this. But this was most definitely the strongest pull I’ve ever felt. As suddenly as it began, it quit. I was now panting, my head still throbbed lightly as I limbed to my feet. Whatever just happened was not good. Even though a normal person would have trouble going through the snow, my powerful muscles and speed enabled me to cut through it like butter. Ahead was a direct drop off down. My heart lurched as I realized what happened.

“Ivory!” With a great leap of faith, I threw myself over the side of the cliff.

 Ivory P.O.V.

Everything hurt. My head, back, legs, arm, hands, feet, and just overall, my whole entire body. But the worst was my head. Right now I could feel myself being swung around. I opened my eyes slowly and tried lifting my head. An immediate rush of nausea came over me. Knock head ache off the list, I was getting a full blown migraine. I could still remember the sheet of ice coming down on me. The fall would have been the worst part. Rocks and jagged boulders had laid cuts all over me. Looking down, I saw that my jacket had been taken off and so was everything else. My undergarments were the only things that I had on. There had been a blanket put over me, but it had moved down to my legs. I pulled myself up slowly with my head pounding. The comforter was a dark grey and down stuffed. For a moment I thought about just laying back down. But I wasn’t sure who had undressed me or what their purpose was. And I didn’t fancy staying to find out. My exiting of from the hammock wasn’t very graceful. The grey comforter was wrapped around my right leg, causing me to land on the hardwood floor at an angle with my leg in the air. For the first time ever I was glad that Laty made me buy the matching black lace underwear and bra. Not that anyone would be seeing me in it… I quickly untangled myself it and wrapped it around my near-naked form. It was chilly in the room. The door was closed and a slight draft was coming from the bottom making me shiver. I padded over to the door, dragging the comforter over the floor. The brass knob didn’t make a sound as I  slowly turned it. Suddenly without warning the door flew open, hitting me in the face.

“Shit!” I heard a deep voice curse as I clutched my nose in pain. That did a lot of good to my head ache. The comforter fell to my shoulders as I stumbled backwards. A gust of air came in and I immediately felt goose bumps as something cold wrapped around me.

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