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So Toby had just left for work and I decided to do something nice with Ava since the Baby can come any day now. She is really exited to be a big sister and told her Friends. It's really adorble and I'm sure that she will be a good sister for the baby. Toby and I also talked about names but we decided to wait till we see him. So right now I'm sitting at the sofa and wait for Ava to wake up. She is kinda a girl who sleeps long for her age. Next month she will be three years old. I'm still remembering the time when she was just a few days old.
"Hi princess. Have you slept good?"
"Yeah Mummy. Where is Daddy?"
"Sweetie he left for work but we can do something today. Just the two of us alright?"
"Can we watch Frozen?"
"If you want. Come here." She snuggled next to me as I put the Tv on. When the film started she puts her hands on my stomach and talks to the baby. She always does that when we lay on the sofa. It's really cute. But during the film the baby kicked really strong and Ava looks up.
"Mommy are you alright?"
"Yeah sweetie I am but I think your brother wants to come out today. So can you give me my phone please?" She runs into our bedroom and comes back not even a minute later. I call Toby and my Mom but nobody picks up the phone. What should do?

My secret Baby girl/ SpobyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt