Meeting the grandparents

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"Come on Ava we are late."
"Okay I'm coming Mummy. Where are we going?"
"Ava I told you we are going to my parents your grandparents." She just nods and runs downstairs. I really hope that they like eachother.
So we knock on the door and my mother opens the door. She hugs me and then bends down to Ava.
"Hi sweetie I'm your Grandma and would you like to play games with me?" She just nods and runs inside.
We had so much fun today. My parents were here and played with Saga the whole day. We had dinner together and Ava really likes her parents.
"Ava I think we should go back to Hanna now. You are tired and tomorrow we will meet Daddy again. So come on you can see your parents this week again if you want?" She just nods hugs my Mom and Dad. Then so take her in my arms and together we walk to the car. Today we had so much fun and maybe we should get a Apartment in Rosewood because everybody lives here and I don't want to lose them again.

My secret Baby girl/ SpobyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt