A day at the park

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~1 month later~
Today Toby, Ava and I will going to the park. Toby and I decided to do as much as possible the last months with Ava. Because in 2 months our Baby boy will be here. We told Ava that when the Baby is here we can't make as much as before because the Baby needs us too and she told me that she will help me. I'm sure that she will be an amazing sister for our boy.
"Morning Ava. What do you want to do today?"
"Morning Mummy. Can we go to the park today?"
"Of course sweetie but we have to wait till Daddy wakes up. Do want to watch a movie in the meanwhile?"
"Yeah Frozen!"
"Ok sweetie." She loves the film and always sings to the songs it's adorble.
We have just parked infornt of the park and Ava is really exited. She loves beeing here and playing with the kids.
"Ava you can go play now but you need to be careful. Alright?" She nods and runs to the slides. Toby takes out the blanket and we sit down and watch Ava playing. I'm happy that Ava can be a big sister.

My secret Baby girl/ SpobyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt