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Yesterday Ava and I had an amazing day at Toby's apartment. We also went to the park together and had so much fun. But today I will tell my parents why I ran away two and a half years ago. In the meanwhile Ava will do something with Aria, Emily and Hanna. Even she knows them only for two days she loves them already. They already have a cute realationship and it is really adorble. But I am very afraid what my parents think about it and how they react.
Right now I am standing infront of my parents house and knock on the door, the door opens and I see my mother standing infront of me with a shocked face. Together we go to the sofa. My mother goes into my Dads Office and comes back with my Dad. He also has a shocked face but they don't say a word and sit down. They both look at me and wait for me to talk.

My secret Baby girl/ SpobyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt