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I sit on my sofa with Ava next to me and wait for somebody to call me back. I can't have this Baby alone in my house with a two year old next to me. I look down at Ava and see that she is really scared.
"Ava everything will be alright. Do you want to watch a movie?" She nods and lays her head in my lap. I don't know how much longer I can take this but I must try to stay strong for Ava. Also the contractions are getting stronger.
I wake up as I hear the phone ringing. I reach for my phone and answer it.
"Spencer what's wrong you called an hour ago."
"Mom can you take me to the hospital I think the baby wants to come out today. And can Dad come to my house to watch Ava in the meanwhile. And someone should call Toby."
"Ok Spencer we are on the way and your Dad will watch Ava and call Toby."
"Thank you Mom."
~At the hospital~
My mother and I had finally arrived to the hospital. My Dad is at home with Ava but he already called Toby and he told me he will be here in the next few minutes.
I look up from the door as I see Toby runing towarwards me and hugs me.
"Spencer I'm so sorry."
"Toby it's okay your here now that's all that matters." As Toby wanted to say something a Doctor walks into the room.
"So are your ready for your Baby to be born?" We both nod.

My secret Baby girl/ SpobyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt