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I don't understand why I like him. He's dated practically every girl in our school. And if that wasn't he's bisexual. He just can't seem to leave anyone alone. When I moved here he was the only guy who caught my attention. He seemed interesting, intriguing, different. There wasn't anything that could make him even more perfect than he already is...unless he made me his girlfriend.

He doesn't even notice me. It's like he's just tormenting me - dating all of my friends, not speaking to me, asking me out when he was already taken. Why is he doing this to me? Why are you doing this to me, Declan? Why?  He could break my heart into a million pieces and i'd still lo- like him.

I'm 18. My name is Kiara. I moved to E-town 2 years ago. I'm crazy...well at least that's how i see myself - crazy. I like this boy - Declan - who doesn't see me, who doesn't care about me. He has dated each of my friends for the 2 years i've been here. Christy. Taylor. DeeDee. i'm sure there's more but i don't care to count them, if they can't fit on two hands.

The first day i moved here my neighbors greeted us to dinner. They were a nice couple - with one son...Declan. We were both 16. My other neighbors were an old couple...they didn't talk much. When his mom came knocking on our door while my dad was moving boxes into the house Declan was standing in the front yard. He was wearing a blue beanie, jeans (with holes in the legs), a Tyler The Creator shirt, and Converses. His hair stuck out of his hat, it was long. He just stared at us, he just stood there looking at us, watching us move boxes.

"Welcome to E-town, it's a great place, really. So, my husband and i were thinking, since you're new to town why don't you come over for dinner tonight?" His mother said to my mom.

"How nice. Babe, our neighbors wanna know if we can have dinner at their house tonight." she yelled across the yard.

"Sure, sounds good." He said taking a box out of our Uhaul truck.

"What time?" mom asked.

"Five maybe? I see you have a daughter...about 14...i have a son who's 16."

"Five's fine. Kiara.? She's 16 too."

"Declan and Kiara should get along fine."

My mom went back to unpacking boxes from the truck. When they were all done we unpacked them - one by one. I didn't wanna go eat food at a strangers house. I don't want to make small talk with people i could care less about. I really don't want to talk to that boy. I'm fine by myself. I'm fine in my room - alone - listening to music.

"Mom, do i have to go.?"

"Yes Kiara. Alice was very nice to invite us over. We have to at least go. I'm not making you talk to anyone, you just have to go."

"god fucking help me" i murmer.

"They have a son your age...Dequan i think his name was...he seems like a nice boy." she didn't hear me.

"Do i seriously have to talk to him.?" i wanted to, but them again...i wanted to stay home...and sleep. i'd rather sleep than talk to anyone i don't know.

"That's all i'm asking Kiara."

"What the fuck ever." i mumble again.

It's 4:37pm. Less than half an hour till i go over to their house. "huhhhh" i let out a big sigh as i plop myself on my bed. I'm listening to Sleeping With Sirens. My Ipod is my savior. I can't go anywhere without it. I fell asleep listening to If I'm James Dean & You're Audrey Hepburn - my favorite song.

"Kiara! Wake. The. Fuck. Up." i hear my mom screaming and jolt myself awake. My Ipod says 4:55. I have 5 minutes to get ready. Fuck!

"I'm up. Oh my god!" i put my Adventure Time shirt on, my sweat pants and my black converses.

"At least look nice. Go change your pants." it's just sweat pants...gosh. i go back in my room and pull out a pair of jeans - the only pair i have without holes.

We walk out the door and i'm nervous. Why? I don't want anything to do with these people. Why am i so nervous? Mom knocked on their front door, then rand the doorbell. A boy answered it. He was a few inches taller than i. His mom came to the door - Alice. She said something like 'Oh it's Nice you came'. She showed us to their dinning room. He walked next to me. He looks like he wants to say hi or something. I tripped over their carpet and fall - figures. He laughed and extended his arm.

"I'm Declan...need some help?"

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