The New Girl

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"I'm Declan...need some help?" how could you trip over the edge of a carpet?

"No," i said bitterly "I'm fine, thanks." i got myself up and followed my mom.

"What are we having?" i asked not really caring what we ate.

"Chicken and rice." his father answered "The best there is." we sat down at their dinning table. Declan sat infront of me.

"Take your hat off at the table, honey." Alice seems like she babies him too much. He took it off. "So, Kiara. What are some of your interests?"

As iof it's any of your business. "Oh, i, and talking to my friends from Minnesota."

"Mmm, that's nice. We have a park near by, maybe later you and Declan can go..."

"Mom...!?" i felt like he didn't want anything to do with me either.

"That sounds like a good idea." why did my mom have to chime in? Why?

"Well then, looks like our son has a girfriend." his dad says jokingly

"She's not my girlfriend, i barley even know her."

"Can i use your bathroom?" the fact that our parents are making us a 'play-date' sickens me to the point when i might actually throw up.

"First door on the ', upstairs. Declan, honey, why don't you go get your stuff...your skateboard?"

"Thank you Mrs..."

"Oh, call me Alice." I got up as she said Alice. I ran up the stairs. There were baby pictures along the way up, that i assumed were of Declan. He was so adorable.

I get up to a hallway full of closed doors. I open the first on on the right - the guest bedroom. Then the second one on the left (totally avoiding the bathroom) - Alice and her husband's room. Theres a small storage closet across from their room. At the end of the hall is the last room. I open the door only to see the walls full of skateboarding posters.

"Damn." i say.

"You know, this isn't the first door on the left.?" I jumped, he startled me

"What the hell?"

"This is my room." oh really? i couldn't tell - i thought it was your moms room...

"Yeah, i figured."

"Just let me get my board and we'll go."

"Go? You don't think I'm actually going with you. I'm going back home and going to sleep."

"C'mon, at least make it look like we're friendly." he grabs my arm and takes me down stairs. "Mom, we're going to the park!"

When we got outside i yelled at him. "What are you doing, get your hand off of me!"

"Calm down, it's not like i'm making you talk to me." We started walking to the was only about one fourth of a mile down the road. When we get there i set our "friendship" straight.

"Listen, i don't want to be your friend. I don't want anything to do with you or your family. If it was up to me i wouldn't have been at dinner tonight."

"But i liked having you there..." he stopped skating as i walked ahead of him.


"I mean, it's nice having someone my age to be 'friends' with."

"We're not - "

"People at school aren't nice to's nice meeting someone who doesn't know anything about me...especially the rumors about me."

"Go have your pitty party somewhere else, we aren't friends"

"But i want to be friends"

"Well, i don't." i say sassily. He walks up to the swing and starts swinging, he gets pretty high.

"Why the hell not.?" He jumps off and jumps on me. He wasn't so high that he would hurt me, he wasn't even high at all.

"What. Are. You. Doing.?"

"I just jumped off the - "

"Do you think this is okay? Get off of me."

"No." I could feel his breath on my mouth. it smelt like chicken. That chicken was honestly nastey as fuck. "I like you Kiara, as a friend. We're friends now. I don't care what you say - you're my friend."

"If you get off......." i took a long pause "We can be friends." he got up, then i did. I started walking home. I still didn't consider him my friend.

"Where are you going?"

I stood there on the side walk for a few seconds, turned around and answered him. "Home."

"What's wrong?" i was crying. i sunk down to the side walk and started bawling. He came up and tried hugging me.

"Don't touch me."

"Why are you crying."

"You really want to know me? You want to be my friend? Well, i was forced to move here against my own free will. I had to leave my friends behind. I had to come here where i didn't know anyone..."

"You know me..."

"Declan shut u-" He lifted my head and kissed me.

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