Day 1

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Today is the first day of school. I'm flipping shit. I really don't wanna go.

I woke up an hour before i had to leave for the bus. That should be enough time, right? Well, it's too much. i got done within about 10 minutes. Now what?

"Mom, I'm gonna go over to we can...get the bus together."

"Okay." I was just nervous as hell. i didn't want to be in my house alone. Well, i didn't wanna be the only one who was up getting ready.

I walk out my front door with my house key in my hand and my back pack on. I don'y really want to go see Declan either. I just want to be alone. I have to meet a million new people whom i didn't know the year before. "God fucking help me!" I say as i reluctantly knock on his front door.

"Kiara...? What are you doing here?" His mom, Alice, answered the door. Alice is a prostitute. She's dressed like she just came off the boat from Europe - immigrating. Yes, i'm calling her a pilgrim - sue me. She doesn't look like a whore.

"I just thought...uhm...that i could get the bus with Declan." same thing i told my mom.

"Well, he's not even up yet. Did you eat breakfast. Steve made sausage and pancakes. You can have some...if you want." i was to rushed to eat anything.

"Uhm, sure."

"Steve, get me a plate." the way she talks makes me feel like im a charity case - like im...3.

"Here you go." his dad - Steve - gave me a plate full of pancakes and sausage. I wasn't even hungry, but i ate anyways. Declan came down as i put my dish in their sink.

"Oh my god, mom. Do i seriously have to wait in her drive way.? Can't i wait in my own.? It's too much walking. Do i even have to go today?" Then he saw me pick my back pack up. "Oh, .......Kiara, hey." he rubbed his neck and went back upstairs.

"I'm sorry, it's early. You know, he's just...not used to being up this early." I feel like she's just making an excuse for his rudeness.

"Oh, it's alright."

"Declan," his dad yells up the stairs "it's almost time to go. Get your ass down here!"


"Well, Allison, I don't want him to get a tardy on his first day."

"Whatever, whatever. Kiara, why don't you go out and wait while Declan gets ready." I walked outside and went back to my drive way. I guess thats where we have to wait. Because Declan obviously had a problem with it.

"Hey, sorry for my parents...they're assholes." he came out smelling like an angel.

"Oh it's okay."

"Are you excited?" he stared into my eyes and asked me if i was excited for hell.

"No." i looked at him with a straight face.

"Why not?"

"I just..." i didn't finish my sentence. I put my earphones in and was gone.

The bus came up and Declan got on fist. Where the fuck am i gonna sit? Declan grabs my arm and pulls me into his seat.

"What the fuck!?" i thought i whispered it, but it turns out i actually kind of said it really loud.

"Well sorry. Figured you'd want to sit with someone you know."

I just shrugged it off and gave him the stink-eye. My mind was racing. What is going to happen today, i don't want to do this. Kiara calm the fuck down! You're not dying. Well, maybe you are. Dead people go to hell, right? This is hell, right?

When we got to the school my stomach was tied in knots. I got off the bus and i just stoop on the side walk - petrified. Declan came up to me.

"C'mon." he grabbed my hand and walked my inside. We got stares that could kill: teachers, students, staff - everyone. I guess the rumors are really bad.

he let go of my hand when we got to my locker - D69.

"Hope you don't die." he then hugged me for what felt like forever...then went to his locker.

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