s e v e n t e e n

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««« okay just to make it clear Callie is not a lesbian. I didn't know if that was confusing you guys but I just wanted to make it clear that she isnt. luh yew guys/girls lol »»»

Callie's POV-
I push the bush and twigs out of my way and step over a log. Jack was sitting there on his phone and I cough to get his attention. He looks up and rolls his eyes then smiles. I walk closer and sit down beside him.

"So, what do you wanna do now?"

I look up and he runs his fingers through his hair.

"I don't know I guess we can just sit here and play on our phones?" I shrug my shoulders and lean back.

I get my phone and see Jack G texted me and I open it.

"hey baby... I miss you very much and I hope you have on your princess necklace. text me asap."
"hey baby bear lol love u too and yes I have my necklace on."
"good. where you at I was wanting to get some froyo"
"im by myself."
"it doesn't matter."
"froyo. 12. tomorrow. love u princess."
"k love u 2 :-* "

"Who were you texting?"
"Jack. He wants me to go get Froyo tomorrow at twelve."
"Why not? I'm not yours am I? I'm not Cameron's. I'm not Shawn's or anyone else. I'm Nash's girlfriend and the only reason I'm here with you is because I'm pretty sure Nash is mad at me."
"Fine. Go off with all the other guys and be a hoe..."
"A HOE?! Really! You wanna say I'm a hoe?!"

With that I get up and slap him then grab my board. I decide to call Nash regretting it by the second.

"Hey Callie, where are you at?"
"I honestly don't know where I am. Johnson, well never mind."
"Do you need me to come get you or something?"
"Are you not mad at me?"
"Callie, why would I be mad at you?"
"I don't care if you had a crush on him or that you miss him. As long as you don't go off and cheat on me."
"Okay. Well I'm coming home and text me if Cameron tells you anything."
"Ok baby. I love you."
"Love you too Nash."

I hang up and put my phone in my back pocket. I put the board on the ground and skate off towards the house. Taking my time Cameron text me.

Cam: hey sis... me and shawn h and nash are at the house hurry up... mom wants all of us to go out and eat together...
Cal: k im legit coming up the steps

I open the front door and see Cameron running at me like a idiot. I put my penny board in the basket at the feont door and jump on Cameron's back.

"We shall ride into the sunset my ugly Princess!"

I laugh as he starts to runs to livingroom. I jump of his back and laugh. I walk over to Nash and sit on his lap leaning back. He kissed my cheek and butterflies fill my stomach. I smile and kiss his soft lips. I look around and see Shawn. The butterflies are gone and my stomach drops. He smiles and I give him a fake smile back. Then Mom comes in and breaks the silence.

"So where do you guys wanna go eat?"

I jump off Nash's lap and scream and laugh at the same time.


Everyone laughs. "Okay well that's kinda fancy so go get ready guys."

I run to my room and take a quick shower and shave my legs. I go to my closet and put on dark skinny jeans. I take out a long sleeve maroon Abercrombie shirt and put it on. I take out a white wool vest that comes to my knees and put it out. I straighten my long hair and put mascara and eyeliner on. As I dig through my makeup bag, I find lip gloss that Cameron got me for my 15th birthday. I honestly don't care if it's old. I put it on and it taste like strawberries, my favorite. I look at what I have one last time and slip on my white Converse. I grab my phone and my fancy black wallet and go downstairs.

"Callie, you look so beautiful!!" Serria squeals.

Serria had on white skinny jeans and boots that come to her knees. She had a black tanktop and a red flannel over it. Her hair was in a messy bun and makeup like mine, just with out the lipgloss.

Cameron, Nash, and Shawn come downstairs and let me tell you Nash looked so cute.

Cameron had on khakis, black Vans, and a black t-shirt. Nash was wearing khakis as well with a white t shirt and a North Face jacket that was black also with black Vans. Shawn, oh my gosh. He was wearing khakis, a blue Abercrombie t-shirt, with black Vans.

They all shorta looked the same but something about Shawn popped out at me. Someone put their hand on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Callie, how would you feel if we went to Tennessee?"

My mouth drops open and I jump up and down.

"Yes, yes, yes!!"

"Whoa Callie, chill. It's just the south. Plus why are you that excited?"
"Cameron, shut up! Rosie lives in Tennessee!"
"Okay, just as long as she stays away from me."

I grab my Mom in for a hug and jump a little bit more.

"Well are you guys ready to go eat or what?!"

I release my mother and run out to Nash's Jeep. Once everybody gets outside, I start telling people to get in what car.

"Okay, Me and Nash are gonna go in the Jeep and Cameron, Shawn, Serria, and Mom in Mom's car!"

«at the restaurant»

The waiter takes us to our table and as we sit down I see the rest of the guys come in. They all look at me and then at Shawn.

"Who is this?" Gilinsky said sitting beside Carter.
"This is Shawn Hooper. We were friends when we were little."

"Get it Callie!" Carter gives me a small smirk and winks.

I roll my eyes and look at the menu. Spaghetti sounds good... no, Chicken Alfredo.

"I'm ready is anybody else?"

Everyone else was ready so we ordered drinks and we eventually got our food after a long wait.

"So Callie, when do you wanna go on a date?"

Forks and knifes stop clinking and everyone looks at me.

"Umm I'm dating Nash."
"Oh come on give me another chance. I'm mean you were into me first anyway."

I want to cry but then I'm fully of anger. Callie just calm down and ignore him. Continue to eat and ignore him.

"Will. You. Date. Me!"
"No Jack! I'm not gonna date you cause the whole time, I'll feel like a piece of crap! And at least Nash can treat me right!!"
I had everyone's attention.

I get up and run out of the restaurant. Serria and Cameron are calling for me. I run of course. Someone's hand lands on my shoulder and I stop. I turn to see Shawn Hooper.

"Callie, are you okay?"
"Yeah. I'm just tired of Jack J." I say running out of breath.
"Let's sit down for a minute and talk about it."
"About what?"
"What happened between you and Jack Jackson?"
"Johnson. Well long story short, he cheated on me and Cameron didn't take it very well."
"I understand stand how it feels." He laughs a little.

I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you. As a friend of cousre."
"I missed you too."

««« omg its a one day early update!! im excited that I'm getting back on track with the story! okay well here you go and I hope you like it. and this time I edited it lol luh yew! »»»

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