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Callie's POV-
I wake up on the couch and sit up. I see a sad Taylor, mad Nash, and an angry Cameron.

"What's wrong?" I say rubbing my eyes.
"Taylor, that's what's wrong." Nash stands up and storms up the steps.
"Guess what we caught Mr. Caniff doing Callie?"
"Um what?"
"Well he was lifting up your shirt looking at you."

My eyes widen.


I look at Taylor and give him a death glare. I stand up and punch his jaw. Holding my fist trying not to cry, Cameron goes to the kitchen and comes back with a ice pack.

"You, you, idiot! You perv! You don't go around lifting up girls shirts and look at them!"

I storm upstairs and go to my room seeing Nash laying on my bed. I plop beside him and nuzzle to his chest.

"Hey Princess."
"Hey Prince." I laugh.
"Baby, I love you."
"Wuv you too."
"I wanna hold you forever. Like this every day. We're gonna get married and have baby Grier running around and everything. Then we are gonna watch them grow up and have their own kids."
"Whoa ok. But lets take this slow ok?"
"K Princess."

I get up and go to the bathroom. I look like a mess. I refix my hair and take take off my makeup. I walk back to my room and grab some shorts, clean underwear, and another muscle tee. I take it back to the bathroom and take off my clothes. I turn the shower on and get it. After that I get out and get dressed. I dry my hair and leave it hanging in its wavy state. I walk out and Nash wasn't on my bed anymore. I sigh and go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen seeing another person.

"Who are you and why are you in my house!?!" I grab a wooden spoon.
"Hey chill! It's me Matt. Matt Espinosa."
"Still don't know you!!"
"You don't remember us running around with me and Cam when we were little?"
"No, but that still don't explain why you're in my house!"
"Look Callie, Cam invited me over because I'm also going to Magcon."

"What Callie?"
"Why are all these people here in our house?!"
"You don't remember Matt?"
"Um no."
"So you are telling me you don't remember jumping in mud puddles when you followed us in Chino Hills?"

I had to to think about that.

"Oh yea."
"You remember him now?"

I roll my eyes and go to the living room and sit on the couch beside Hayes. I lay my head on his shouler and his hand lands on my knee. I wrap my arms around him and he rubs my leg.

"Wanna do something today?"

I look up at his eyes and smile. I jump up and pull him up and grab my penny board. Hayes just sits there and stares at me.

"Well come on you boob!"
"Are you going out like that?"
"Like what?"

I look at my appearance at a mirror in the hall next to the door. I looked homeless.

"Fineeeee I'll go change."

I drop my board and march upstairs and swing open my door. I open my closet and pull out a grey tee shirt and I go to my drawer and pull out some light skinny jeans. I slip it on and go to my bathroom. I put on some mascara and some nude chap stick. I slip on my white Converse and go downstairs.

"You happy now?" I ask sarcastically.

I pick up my board and open the door.

"Cam, me and Hayes are gonna be out for a while! Love you!"

We run outside and Hayes puts his board down and steps on it. I do the same.

"Where you wanna go Princess?"
"Um what about the movies?"

I laugh and take off. It takes us about 20 minutes with short breaks. When we get there we decide to watch Kian's new movie The Chosen. We bought our tickets and get a large popcorn and two Coke's. We make our way to the movie room
(I don't know what they are called) and take our seats in the very back.

"Hey Cal?"
"I love you."

I shake for a minute and think of what he just said.

"Um I love you too."
"Please don't tell Nash what I said."
"I promise."
"Thank you."

The movie started and we shared the popcorn until the scary parts came. I lifted up the arm rest and scooted next to him. I tugged on his hoodie and buried my face into his chest. His arm was over my shouler and he rubbed my back whisper me little things.

"Shhh it's okay I'm right here." or "Just watch it's okay."

After the movie we ditched the place and got on our boards again.

"Where to know Princess?"
"Park and ice cream?"

We skate to the park and I skate to the pond nearby. I sit down on the bench and look at the ducks and geese.

"Beautiful huh?"

I turn to see Taylor and no Hayes. I imminently stand up and back away a little.

"Where's Hayes?"
"With the guys."
"You guys were stalking us?" My voice cracked.
"Well sorta. No. We came to the park when Hayes texted us in a group chat."

He made a chat and left me out.

"Come here Callie."
"I just wanna hug to say I'm sorry."

He steps closer and I start shaking.

"Get away from me!"
"Callie calm down."
"Why? You're a perv!"

He steps closer and grabs my arm.

"Let go of me!"
"Come on baby!"
"Don't call me that!"

I try to pull away but his grip tightens. He pulls me towards him and holds my close. I try pushing away but his grib was way to strong.


I hear a thud of footsteps and see Shawn, Jack G, Nash, Hayes, and Cameron. Taylor steps away from me and I run to Cameron.

"Callie what's wrong?"
"Taylor was bothering me and pulling on me to hug him."

Nash pushes past me and Cam and walks up to Taylor.

"Caniff I swear if you touch her or even look at her again, I swear you won't see any of us ever again."

With that Taylor looks at me and Nash swings a pucnh at Taylor knocking him backwards. I gasp in fear and tug on Cameron even more. Tears fall my eyes and he rubs my back. Nash grabs my board and we walk off leaving the hurt Taylor alone.

"You okay Princess?"
"Yeah I'm fine. Just shaken and startled."
"As long as you okay."

I take my board from Nash and skate ahead of them a little. Hayes catches up to me and looks at me. I look behind us and the guys were pushing around and laughing. Nash's smiles slowly kills me. Hayes' hand touches my shoulder as my balance wobbles a little. I smile and skate ahead of him picking up speed. I hear the wheels against the ground.

"Hey Callie!"

I turn around and see Hayes laying on the ground. I stop and pick up my board and run towards to him. Blood was coming from his nose and his eyes were closed. Tears form in my eyes as I gently shake him.

"Hayes please wake up!"

"Cameron call an ambulance! Hurry!"

Nash and I sit by Hayes while I cry and Nash sheds a few tears. I look up at Nash and he looked up at him. He looks back down at Hayes and I kiss his forehead.

"Everything is goning to be okay."

The sirens get louding and they come to get Hayes.

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