t w e n t y - f o u r

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Nash's POV-
I pull out my phone and call Cameron.
"Hey Nash."

"Hey... Umm where you at?"

"Hot Topic. Why?"

"Well... I got mad at Callie and she threw the ring at me leaving me and your mom came and picked her."

There was a moment of silence and then he sighs.

"Your lucky.... Where you at?"

"The door we came in at?"

"Ok... I'll be there in a minute."

He hangs up and I walk around for a while until Cameron comes out.

"Where's Ashley?" I ask looking around for her.

"We broke up... Aperently she onlybwantednme for money..."

"Oh.. Sorry."

"Naa... It's fine." He laughs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Wanna head out?" I say breaking silence.

Callie's POV-
We sit in silence until I feel the baby move and Mom looks at me.


"Why what?" I say looking out the window.

"Why did leave Nash like that? He was excited about that baby you know."

"Who cares... I'll give the child up for adoption...."

"No your not."

"I mean whynot? I'm not staying with Cameron, Serria, You, or Nash."

"Who you going to be with huh?"

I think for a minutes as I watch cars and buildings pass by.


Jack's POV-
"Whats up with our next album?" I ask plopping in a chair next to JJ.

"I'm not sure yet but we have tours coming up."

I hear a knock on the door and rush thinking it was our manager.

"Oh. Hey Callie."

"Uhh... Hey Jack.... Do you care if I stay here for a while?"

"Nope. Come on in."

"Thanks. Is JJ here?"

"Right here Cal."

"Okay well I'm gonna stay in my old room you guys let me stay in before. So I'll be in there all night."

she heads down the hallway and disappears into her old bedroom.

Callie's POV-

I walk over to the bed and slowly lay down. I lay my hand on my stomach and my eyes water.

"Its okay baby. You'll have a Daddy and you won't have to worry. I love you baby."

"Strong feels for the kid?"

I look up and Gilinsky stands in the door way smiling.

"Yeah... I guess."

"Where's Nash?'

"We... umm... Got in a fight and I gave him the ring back." I say as my voice cracks at the end.

Jack walks in and sits beside me; and puts his arms around me as I cry.

"I just want to have the baby and everything be okay."

"Shhhh Callie, everything is gonna be okay."

"I feel like this baby had ruined thing between us!"

"No its not. She or He will bring you two together. Trust me."

"I can't! I'm just abort this dumb thing!"

"No!" He says standing up.

"Now you listen to me. That kid will grow until its born and you will not abort or give it up for adoption. You and Nash are getting back together and raising that child together."

As tears run down my face, Jack cups my face and wipes tears from my face. His forehead touches mine and I smile.

"Thanks Jack, but I can't go back to Nash."

"And why is that?"

"I love you."

•• whoops guys.... Unedited.... baby names boy and girl... Thanks guys love youuuuuu!!!!! ••

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