t w e n t y - s i x

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Callie's POV-
// 6 months later \\

"Callie, she's so beautiful."

"She has your eyes." I say looking at Nash.

"Not for long." he laughs taking the baby girl from my arms.

"Hi Hayliee, its your daddy." he talks to the sleeping baby.

I wipe the sweat from my neck and someone knocks on the door.

"Come in." I say sitting up.

Nash's POV-

"Hey Gina."

"Oh my gosh! Can I see my sweet grandbaby?"

I laugh and hand Hayliee to Gina. Hayliee opens her eyes and looks at Gina for a seconed and starts crying. I walk over and take the helpless child back into my arms. I sway back and forth and finally hand the warm bundle to Callie.

// 2 years later \\

Callie's POV-

"Nash, can you get Hayliee please?" I ask making bottles.

"Yeah. You want me to change her diaper and put her in her car seat?"

"Yeah that will work." I say yelling from the kitchen.

I rush putting bottles in the diaper bag and getting anything else we need.

"Hey babe, I need some help!"

"Really Nash?!"

I rush up stairs seeing Hayliee standing in her crib without a diaper.... and poop all over herself.

I pick her up and carry her to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I wash her quickly and hand her to Nash.

"Callie, why did you wash her in the shower and not the tub?"

"Nash, we dont have time! Get her ready we have to hurry!!"

// 1 hour later \\

We walk into the restraunt and see Cameron, Emily, and Reed sitting at a table.

I smile and walk over to them. Nash follows me as be carries Hayliee in his arms.

"Cameron!" I say excitedly hugging him.

"Can I hold him?" I ask looking at my baby nephew.
"Yeah hold on." he says smiling.

He hands me the small baby and I look at Emily.

"He's so precious!" I say sitting down next to Nash.

"Mommy me want to see." I laugh and lean towards Hayliee.

"This is baby Reed. He's your cousin."

Hayliee rubs his hair and I smile. Reed starts to cry and I hand him back to Cameron.

~~ after eating ~~

"Cam, want to come to my house?" I ask walking out the door.
"Yeah, that should be fine."

We walk out to our own cars and drive to my house. Once we pull in the driveway, Hayliee starts screaming.

"Hayliee, stop screaming please."
"What sweetie."
"I want Camwen!"
"He'll be here in a minute okay?"

I look at Nash and we both laugh. I get Hayliee from her carseat and walk inside.

"Hey babe?"
"Yeah?" I reply walking into the living room.
"Did you lock the door before we left?"

The living room was trashed. The tv was on the floor with a broke screen, family picture frames shattered with the pictures torn all over the floor, spray paint was on the walls saying 'DIVORCE NASH OR I WILL KILL YOU AND THAT UGLY BABY' , and a few cuss words on the wall.

I look at Nash and he runs upstairs. I carry Hayliee and go to her pink princess room. It wasnt touched so I put her on the floor so she could play.

"Nash?" I say walking into our bedroom.

A girl about my age has Nash on the bed with a cloth over his mouth.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?" I yell at her.

"Callie, whats wrong??" I hear Cameron yell from downstairs.

I run towards the girl and tackle her.

"Callie, quit!"

Cameron yells and Hayliee starts crying.

I punch the girl in the jaw and she falls to the ground. I start kicking her until she coughs up blood.

A hand lays on my shoulder and I fall to the ground out of breath.

"Cameron, why would someone do this."
"People are crazy."

I cry and the cops eventually show up.

"Ms. Dallas, outside with us."

I follow the cop outside and he puts handcuffs on me. I cry and look to see Cameron at the front door with Hayliee in his arms.

"Mommy will be back. I promise."

to be continued...

haha so there is s sequal I'll try to update every friday :) love y'all

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