How to Deal With a Jealous Person

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Whether you're dealing with a jealous acquaintance, relative, friend, mate or even a stranger, here's some step-by-step advice on how to respond. Also some tips to help you if you are feeling jealous as well.


Put yourself in the other person's shoes and understand the reasons behind his or her feelings.

Jealousy often stems from insecurity or a sense of deep loss.

Offer encouragement and praise when something goes right for your friend, but whatever you do, don't hide your happiness for what is going right in your life. A true friend supports at all times and should be happy for your accomplishments.

Try to help the other person get what they are wishing to have. Give them helpful advice and suggestions.

Try not to say things that would make the person jealous.

Don't have any big upset reaction to their jealousy because sometimes it feeds it.

Stay calm and look them in the eye. Look before you get involved with a very jealous person in a romantic relationship.

If it is uncomfortable in any way-get out of the relationship at once. There are signs to watch for and it can be a big problem for you in the future.

If they don't want you to have other friends-be careful. It is healthy and necessary for people to make friends, be comfortable around other people and make decisions based on your feelings or your judgement.

Realize that jealousy can be the root of many evil behaviors/ painful thoughts and even ruin a person.

Everyone can feel jealous once in awhile but if it is always present and bothering you should seek help immediately. If you feel like you are doing strange, out of character things: spying, going through a person's things, waiting in your car at their work,etc. than you might be in the state of "romantic jealousy". It can be agony and you need to talk to someone about your problem. Listen to the little voice inside of you. If it tells you to avoid, be afraid or scared of a person-listen to it.


You might be a fun, beautiful, gregarious person that people are jealous of. Too bad. Let them. You won't serve yourself any better by catering to their hate.

When someone is envious of you, it means that you have something they want.

If you want to help them and they seem nice and worth the effort, offer to tell them where you got that shirt or those shoes.

Tell them how you stay positive.

Empowering them is a good way to diffuse their jealousy, but only do this for those people you feel are worthy of your time and energy.

Ignore the others.

Their jealousy is a mask for insecurity.

Once you recognize there's nothing behind the veneer, you'll be fine.

You have the right as a person to be in a stable healthy relationships. Choose to do so 


Jealous people will try to bring you down to their level.

Don't let them.

You don't have to be in a abusive relationship with anyone!

If your mate is always jealous for no reason, accusing you of false affairs or activities, than you may be in trouble.

Extreme jealousy can lead to very dangerous behavior.

If you are not sure if your mate or date is mentally stable-be very careful.

Stay safe and protect yourself.

Don't make fun of them just reassure them that you care about them.

Someone acting jealous does not mean they care about you.

It means they have self esteem problems or can not accept the end of the relationship.

If you feel extreme jealousy and want to hurt the person or their belongings.

Stop! Understand that your pain will stop over time and you will deeply regret any violence you have done.

You need to reach out and talk to someone even if it is embarrassing.

The person that you will feel jealous over has changed or moved on with their life.

Ask yourself why? Try to "vent" out your strong feelings in writing as well just don't take actions towards the person.

You have the right to end any conversation with a person who puts you down or is nasty in anyway.

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