Left along this road

208 11 10

***not very good at all..**

Silence is all I hear

the falling of my tears

no one for me to lean on

for they are long gone

Left along this rugged trail

all I can think is how I'll fail

letting people down

seeing all of them frown

I am sorry I wasn't good enough

but things are getting to tough

thoughts run through my head

wondering if I'll be dead

By the time you find me

maybe you can see

How I couldn't handle it

I couldn't take all the shit

So here I am along this road

all my failure has been showed

deserted in the middle of no where

but Its not like your to care

you're the one who left me here

laughing as I feared

looking both ways seeing where they lead

a way back home is what I need

but no luck

looks like I am stuck

here waiting for help

but for now all I can do is yelp

days and days past

time is going by fast

Along this road all alone

all thats left of me is bones

bones left covered in dust

laying beneath the Earth's crust.

never to be uncovered

left to yet be discovered.

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