Mirror Mirror On The Wall.....

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Mirror Mirror on the wall

How come everytime I fall?

Fall in love with him I do

How come this is what it comes to?

Mirror Mirror on the wall

How come everytime I bawl?

Bawl like a baby when thoughts fill my head

Sometimes making me wish I was dead.

Mirror Mirror on The wall

What is instore for us all?

Is their happiness that awaits

Or will be forever stuck behind those gates?

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

Oh Tell me why I feel so small.

Small in this huge world of ours

So tiny compared to all the stars....

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

wont you say there will be no harm to befall?

Tell me that everything is and will be okay

At least for just this one day....

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

You Are The most trusted of them all

Always there for me you are

never leaving one little scar.

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