The Land Of Magic

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the flowing of her skirt

as she dances all around

twirling in the dirt

even when theres no sound

Spinning in the dark she does

Light dances around her

questionable it was

then she started to blur

Sparks of light every where

Shes no where in sight

leaving nothing in their flare

you heard me right

She vanished with the light

It took her to a magical place

a place where there is flight

where every one knows their chase

The light took her to the land of Magic

the land of dancers and aritsts

where lays the ones from great tragic

though we are equal there is no smartest

The Land Of Magic is reached by pleading

wanting it so bad the light can sense

to the land it starts leading

taking you to the iron fence

Leaving you there to do the rest

all you have to do is figure out how

to get to the great crest

for all you have to do is bow

Bow down to the land

bow down to the power

bow down to the sand

even bow down to every flower

For if they weren't here

neither would you

for this is the place of no fears

for this is a place for very few

The ones with the truest pleads

will be granded entry

those with the greatest needs

for those that are will be gentry...

In the land of magic

dreams do come true

for there is no tragic

but only granted to a few....

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