Chapter 3

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(Xoe's POV)

"a drop in the ocean.. A change in the weather... I was praying that you and I might end up together "

Ugh. My radio buzzed waking me up for another day of school. Yesterday was alright with Zel. I loved seeing his school and he walked me around to the places I needed to go. I met a few people at lunch who quickly clicked with me and I had a good time talking to Zel's friend Conner. Teachers were okay I guess. I didn't love them but they weren't horrible to me or anything. In fact I think that they liked me.

"but I'm holding you closer than most because you are my heaven"

I should get out it bed... I hauled myself up and walked to my bathroom combing my hair out making it straight. I popped my contacts in and wandered to my closet to find something to wear. I grabbed my dark washed denim shorts and an Abby Dawn with WTH printed boldly across cropped top that was cut just above my stomach. I smiled and grabbed a pair of black strapped wedges. I quickly snatched up my phone and ran out the door catching my bag on the way out.


I reached my locker 1013 which happened to have my two favorite numbers in it. 101 and 13. I had a good outlook on this year especially being with my best friend finally. I grabbed my books and instrument from my locker and turned around to walk to class only to run into someone.

"Ow Zel!! Would you pl-" My words were cut off when I looked up to see the person I has ran into. This guy had a good foot and a half on me, towering above me even with my 3 inch heeled wedges. I must amit that I was a little on the short side but even I knew that this guy was seriously tall.

"Hi" the mysterious guy said to me. "um hi.." I stuttered back.

"Hey Xoe!! You keep running into people lately!!" I looked around the mystery guy to see Zel waving at me. Well I had been known to be a bit clumsy. "This is Blaze" Zel said slapping his arm on the guy I had just ran into.

Blaze just smiled at me for what felt like forever before he turned to Zel and said, "yeah man I better run and catch up Mr. Atlas or he'll give me detention hahaha" "yeah man see ya." and then Blaze jogged off.

"Alrighty Xoe stop drooling and let's get to first hour." He said as he slung his arm around me directing me down the hallway. "Conner is waiting for you" and then he smirked as if it was some sort of inside joke. I don't really like that.


Conner's POV

Xoe walked into the room smiling and laughing as she did yesterday with Stripe's arm slung over her shoulder. I didn't like that very much. I ran up to them giving Xoe a hug, knocking off Zel's arm. I saw Zel frowning at me. Xoe skipped off to our seats and started to pull out her instrument, oblivious of what just happened between me and Stripes. I smiled at her innocence.

"Hey Xoe, you need help with that?" I asked approaching her, ignoring my best friend's glares.

I sat down next to her enjoying company. How could just one day make me go crazy for one girl? "Yeah does little Lynn need help with that?" I heard Stripes say cutting in.

"um no thanks you guys but it would be nice if I could get your numbers because I don't know anyone here and.."

"Sure let me see your phone" I said. I grabbed her phone and typed in my contact information quickly, hoping that she'd call me soon.

Zel snatched it up as soon as I did. Typing in his info twice as fast as me and tossed it back to her. She laughed at Zel and handed the phone back to me "Type in your contact info again Conner. Zel here deleted the entire thing."

Frustrated I snatched it back up punchng in the numbers. Oh great... my best friend in a fight over the same girl. I thought I would never see this day in my life but here it comes. I could feel the blood rushing to my face making it red. "Conner... your eyes are blue.. I like that" She said. And with that she turned leaving me breathless once more.

(Xoe's POV)

I grabbed a salad off the counter and smiled at the lunch lady and she smiled back. I scanned my card and walked off to go sit at a table. A girl who looked like she could be my sister with the same brown hair and deep brown eyes turned and smiled at me and slid in the seat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Melanie. I'm Melanie Woods from your first hour. I'm a violin girl too." The strange girl smiled me.

"You know we look a lot alike in a weird way. I mean we both have the sa-" I started to say "Yeah I know" Melanie cut me off. "Conner came up to me hoping I was you" I laughed along with her. We ate and talked. Melanie was a really cool girl and I bet we could end up being really good friends.

RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNGGG!!! The bell shrieked and I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. I ran to the locker to meet Zel and grabbed a pen from my locker while I was waiting. I jotted down some notes for the song I was writing. I had got the idea when my teacher was lecturing and I wanted to get this down. I threw the blue pen in my bag and slammed the door shut.

I turned and slammed into none other but Blaze.

A/N: YuoTube link in the side bar of the song Xoe woke up to ;)

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