Chapter 9

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To walk within the lines would make my life so borin' I want to know that I have been to the extreme. My phone sang Anything But Ordinary and I ran to it half pulling on my wedges and held a tube of mascara in one hand.

“Hey hey it’s Xoe just gimme one sec my hands are full.” I dropped my phone back onto my bed and shoved my foot into my shoe and then picked up the phone again. “Hello??”

“Happy Birthday Xoe!!!”

“MELANIE!! Hey hey hi hi hello my twin. Thanks!! So I’m putting you on speaker cuz I’ve got mascara in one hand and you in the other hand.”

“Alrighty then!! So what’s the plan birthday girl?”

“Well I’m running off to the mall and then I’m going to go pick-up Kenzlie and you can come whenever. I guess when I’m at the mall you can come with?”

“KK I’ll drive and I’ll pick you up sound good Xoe?”

“Yeah great!” and I hung up.

After I finished putting on my makeup I ran off to the closet to grab my bag and met up with Melanie in the front of my house.

"Hey!" Mel greeted me and handed me a brownie.

"YAY!" I screamed and started munching on my birthday brownie.

"So where to?" Mel asked.

"Ummm I think I want to go out to the riverwalk first. Then we'll hit the mall. I wanna get a milkshake first." I said. I had a soft spot for sweet things. Melanie turned into the Riverwalk and I skipped into the icecream parlor. I ordered two milkshakes and took them outside so we could enjoy them.

"So what are you getting for your birthday from your parents?" Mel inquired. I knew she hadn't gotten me a present yet and she was waiting for us to get to the mall.

"I think a motorcycle. I walk to my job and to school since they're only about 2 miles away from my house and I didn't really need a car. If I really needed it then they would just give me theirs but I wanted a bike just to ride around in since I was little and I think that they're going to get me one even though I told them I could buy it myself" I had insisted on them not to buy me it but I knew that they were going to anyway.  

"Hey isn't that Blaze?" Mel said pointing across the street.

"Don't Mel. I don't want to see him." Mel could read my mind almost. She knew what I felt, what I was thinking, she had pretty much everything that I was going to say in her head already.

"Right. So lets go in the car and hit the mall?"

"Yes because you haven't gotten my a present yet" I said, rolling my eyes.


After the mall we  went and picked up Kenzlie. Melanie ran around the mall trying not to be around me while she shopped for my present. I bought a lot of things on my mom's credit card too. She told me I could go on a shopping spree for my birthday but to be honest all I got were more T shirts, cropped tops, denim shorts, and wedges. I like that style. It was just like... me.

The entire ride to Kenzlie's I laughed and pestered Mel about what she bought me and how well she diguised the gift. I was really excited to see what she bought me. We turned into Kenzlie's driveway and she came bounding out, present in hand.

"Hey you guys! Happy Birthday Xoe!!" She said getting into the car. "So you'll never guess what!!"

"What?" Mel and I chorused together.

"BLAZE ASKED ME OUT!!" She said jumping up and down.

Time slowed... I could hear my heart beat. I could feel my heart drop. I could feel everything run slow. I took a deep breath and told myself that I knew that this would happen. I knew that this was coming to me. I made this happen. I told Blaze not to change his mind. Then why did this hurt so much? My birthday. Why my birthday Blaze? Good timing... best birthday present ever. I love it. Thanks.

I turned and looked at Melanie who gave me a sypathetic smile and turned back at Kenzlie.

"That's great Kenz!!" she said, giving her a smile. Melanie and Kenzlie were close to and Mel was happy for Kenzlie but she also so how hurt I was.

Mel turned into my drive way and suddenly yelled, "Crap! Omg Kenz do you mind coming back to my house with me? I totally forgot Xoe's present!!" she lied. Mel looked at me telling me to get myself ready.

"Okay no problem! I'll see you in a bit Xoe!" Kenzlie said sitting up to the front while I got out and sprinted into the house stright to my room.

I landed on my bed in a heap and just started at the ceiling letting my tears fall. I knew that I had made this happen and that this would be okay in the end. Sooner or later I would get over him it's just a stupid crush! So why the hell did it hurt so bad? It's my birthday I should be happy and excited but here I was crying over some stupid boy. Why did I let myself fall for him?

Blaze. A boy I had just met 2 months ago. Is crushing me. There are plenty of fish in the sea. But I don't want a fish. I want Blaze. It doesn't matter. He likes Kenzlie. He knows I like him and it didn't faze him the slightest.

I heard my phone buzz telling me that I got a text. I reached over and picked it up trying to read the blurry words on the screen. I angrily wiped away the tears and looked at the message.

Mel: I can only keep her here for another 7 minutes or so. We'll be at your driveway in 15. Get ready. :)

I couldn't let Kenzlie know about this. She would ruin what they had going and they would be a good couple. They looked cute together and she looked better than me. She was so pretty. I sat up in bed and I had a headache from crying and I probably looked like a mess. I ran my fingers through my hair a couple of times and looked out my window and spotted Blaze's house. His room was empty.

I sighed and got out of my bed walking towards my bathroom. I looked into the mirror and saw the reflection of a girl on her birthday crying, with mascara running, eyes red and puffy, her lipstick scratched, her hair tousled and her heart breaking a little bit more as the seconds ticked by. Just as a tear escaped from the corner of my eye and I faked a smile and I would believe my artificial happiness if I couldn't feel my heart being crushed.

Happiness shouldn't have strings attached.

I touched up my make up and changed my clothes. I looked back at the mirror and I smiled my best fake smile I could. My fake happiness seemed realistic enough. I heard the bell ring and I ran downstairs to answer it and I gave Kenzlie a hug.

"So what happened with Blaze." I asked not really wanting to know the details.

"OMG so like.." Kenzlie started. everything else was pretty much a bunch of details I didn't need to know. Everything sunk in a little bit more and the more I smiled the more it hurt. The more it hurt the more I had to smile. It just hurt more and more and more but Kenzlie was oblivious to my pain as all showed was happiness.

What she didn't know that on the inside there was a girl who was standing in front of a mirror crying and had black tears rolling down her cheeks. She didn't see the girl pick up the bright red lipstick and write on mirror. She didn't see the girl with smile sadly as she wrote the words. She didn't see the cursive words written with lipstick on the girl's mirror. But I wasn't blind. I saw the words clearly.

So Much For My Happy Ending


A/N: So sad. I hate sad endings don't you?

Lol jk that's not the ending. Well it's the end of Part NUMERO UNO! Lol I'm splitting them up into a few different parts. So yeah that you for staying all the way down to here and I promise you the chapters get longer. Until then Rock on fellow Watties :) <3

- LOVE - <3 - LOVE -


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