Chapter Three

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"What are you watching?" I hear someone ask as they sit next to me on the couch.

"Take a random guess." I reply with a grin.

"Oh not this horrible show." Kellin says with a laugh. I looked at him in shock and ran over to Tony who was playing cards with Mike.

"Tony, Kellin is disrespecting Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." I say with a pout.

"I'll be back Mike, Jaime take over for me." Tony says before standing up and walking over to Kellin.

"How dare you talk about our turtles like that." Tony says sounding upset before sitting down next to Kellin. Since it was a two seater couch and Kellin wouldn't move I sat in the middle of them on their knees for about a minute because it was uncomfortable so I moved onto Tony's knee and put my feet on Kellin's lap. I turned my attention to the tv and before I knew it I had fallen to sleep.

I awoke to a click sound followed by awwws. I opened my eyes and tried to move which made Tony stir. I kissed him on the cheek which made him wake up. He looked so god damn adorable. I climbed off him and walked into the kitchen, I turned on the kettle and grabbed a cup of noodles out of the cupboard, taking off the lid and putting the seasoning inside before sitting them on the bench and getting my phone out of my pocket. I scrolled through my twitter seeing the photo that Gabe took and posted on twitter. I laughed and saved the photo just before I put some music on. I heard the kettle beep and I put the boiling water in with the noodles and put the lid back on. King For A Day came on and I couldn't help but sing along.

"Hail Mary, forgive me, blood for blood, hearts beating, come at me, now this is war." I sang/screamed at the top of my lungs then head banging. I sang/screamed the rest of the song and then turned to my noodles. I grabbed my noodles and turned around to see everyone standing there with their mouths wide open. When I say everyone I mean SWS and PTV.

"Wow!" I heard Tony, Vic and Kellin say at the same time. I just froze in my spot as I could feel my face heat up. Nobody and I mean nobody has ever heard me sing.

"You've got an amazing set of lungs sis." Kellin said as he sat down next to me.

"No I don't." I reply looking down. Kellin shakes his head and puts his arm around me.

"Laylah Bostwick, you have an amazing voice, don't let anyone tell you different." Kellin says looking into my eyes.

"I second that." Tony and Vic say in sync. I blushed and continued to eat my noodles.

"I have an idea, why doesn't she join us on stage for King For A Day?" Vic said with a grin. I shook my head, I've never sung on stage before, what if I forget the words or I trip over something? I thought to myself. Kellin must of noticed this because he held me tight.

"Come on sis, it would be fun, you'll be okay, I'll be up there with you." Kellin said with a reassuring smile. I tilted my head to the side and thought about it for a moment before smiling.

"I'm in." I say earning cheers from everyone. This is going to be fun and scary.

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