Chapter Twenty Two

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"Good morning." Tony says from beside me as I awake to the sound of crying.

"Good morning turtle." I reply as I get out of bed and walk over to Shaylee's crib before picking her up.

"It's time to give you a feed baby girl." I say softly as she looks at me with her beautiful blue eyes. I walk out into the kitchen where Vic is standing at the bench making her a bottle. I raise my eyebrows at him as he looks up at me with a smile on his face.

"Someone's a mind reader." I say breaking the silence.

"I heard her crying and decided to make her a bottle." Vic replied with a smile as Jaime walked into the kitchen.

"Good morn- wait a second has Copeland shrunk or am I just seeing things?" Jaime said with a laugh as he looks from Shaylee to me and then back to Shaylee.
"No Cope hasn't shrunk, I had this little one this morning." I reply with a grin.
"Congratulations guys, can I hold her?" He says holding his arms out.

"Sure, I'll just feed her and burp her and then you can have a hold." I say as Vic hands me her bottle. Jaime just smiles and nods happily.

"Oh my god guys, Shaylee is beautiful, she has your eyes." Kate says with a grin.

"You can tell she's half Mexican." Jaime adds with a wide smile showing off his dimples.

"It's half and half with looks too." Mike adds putting his arms out for a hold. Kate passes her to him. Vic and I stand back and watch on as everyone takes turns in holding her.

"Calm down there kid." Tony says as she somehow puts her finger through one of his gages. We all let out a laugh.

"How about we let this little one have a nap and then we figure out something to do today?" Vic says with a grin as Tony passes Shaylee to him. We all nod as Vic walks out of the room rocking her back and forth softly singing Hold On Till May. When he comes back in the room he sits down on the couch and we start to talk about what we're going to do for the day.

"I was thinking we could invite some bands over and we could have a little get together to celebrate my amazing sister in law and one of my great friends on their safe arrival of Shaylee, what do you guys think?" Kate asks with a smile.

"It sounds good to me." I reply with a grin looking around the room earning nods.

"Alright well, I'll call Andy, Kellin you call Austin, Vic you can call Chris and Laylah you can call Oli and whoever else you want to invite." Tony says with a smile. I get off the chair and run to my room to grab my phone. When I've grabbed it I walk out the back and to make some calls. The first person I call is Oli. It rang a few times before he answered.

"Hey Laylah, what's up?" He says as he answers his phone.

"Hey Oli, what are you doing tonight?" I ask feeling hopeful.

"Nothing, why do you ask?" He replies sounding happy.

"I was wondering, would you like to come around to Vic's for a barbeque?" I ask.

"I'd love to, I'll be there at about six since I have to drive there, do you want me to bring the rest of the band?" He replies making me smile.

"For sure." I say with a smile.

"Alright then, we will see you when we get there, bye." He says and with that I say goodbye and we hang up.

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