Chapter Twenty Three

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The party is going well so far, Mike invited our cousin's Bree and Nick. Jaime and Bree are really hitting it off and Nick is really getting along with the guys from Sleeping With Sirens. Laylah also invited Falling In Reverse and All Time Low.

"Hey Vic, would you like another drink?" Laylah asks with a smile.

"Sure." I reply smiling back. I'm pretty sure I'm developing feelings for her, not because she is the mother to my beautiful daughter Shaylee but, because she's beautiful and so caring.

"Hey man." Ronnie said with a smile as he sat next to me on the couch.

"Hey, having fun?" I asked as Laylah returned with my drink before plopping down next to Ronnie on the couch.

"Yeah I am, oh and I forgot to congratulate you, so congratulations you two." Ronnie said with a smile putting his arm around Laylah. I felt a wave of jealousy rush through me but, I shrugged it off, they're just friends.

"So Laylah, will we still see you on Warped Tour next year?" Ronnie asked with a smile.

"Yeah, of course, I wouldn't miss it." She replied putting her arm around Ronnie. Ronnie just nodded and stood up.

"I will be back, I'm going to get another drink." Ronnie said before he walked towards the kitchen.


"Hey, I've got someone for you to meet, you two will really get along." Vic said with a smile as he stood up and put his hand out. I nodded and grabbed it, letting him help me up. We walked over to a short Mexican girl with brown eyes and long straight brown hair that's swooped to the side. She also had her lip pierced on the right side, her nose pierced on the left side, a cartilage piercing in her right ear followed by double piercings in each ear with gauges in the first piercings.  She was beautiful and she looked so much like Vic and Mike.

"Laylah this is my cousin Bree, Bree this is Tony's girlfriend, Kellin's sister and my daughter's mother Laylah." Vic said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." Bree said with a smile pulling me into a hug.

"Nice to meet you too." I replied as I hugged her back.

"We will leave you two alone so you can get to know each other." Jaime said with a smile as we separated from our hug.

"Want to go outside where it's quiet?" I asked with a smile receiving a nod from Bree. We headed outside and laid down on the grass looking at the stars. We were silent for a while before Bree spoke up.

"It's so beautiful here." She said sounding happy.

"It sure is, I love it here." I replied with a smile. We chatted for what seemed like hours before Alex, Jaime, Ronnie and Andy threw water on us.

"You're so dead!" I yelled causing Alex and Jaime to jump.

"You go for Alex and Jaime and I'll go for Andy and Ronnie." I whispered in her ear earning a nod in response.

"So that's where you are, we've been looking for you." Tony said as he walked outside to see me laying across Ronnie and Andy and Bree laying across Alex and Jaime. I sat up and looked up at Tony before he took off back inside. I let out a sigh and climbed off the guys and ran after Tony.

"Tony, it wasn't what it looked like! Bree and I were laying outside talking and looking at the stars when Ronnie, Andy, Alex and Jaime threw water on us, so we decided to get them back." I say quickly as I catch up to him.

"Whatever." Tony replies pushing me away. I took off out the backdoor and ran to the end of the backyard and sat down bringing my knees to my chest. I didn't fight the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard Ronnie say as he sat down beside me, putting his arms around me. I shook my head and buried my head into his chest crying harder than before.

"I'm sorry if we did anything to cause you and Tony to fight, it was only supposed to be a joke." He said pulling me into his lap.

"It's fine." I managed to get out as he lifted my head and wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumbs. He started to lean in and my mind went all fuzzy for a second but, I soon realised I was leaning in too. Just before our lips could meet someone tipped water over us. I looked up to see Bree standing behind us.

"Bree, you're so dead!" I exclaimed as I jumped up and chased her. Andy handed me a bucket as I ran passed him and when I made it to Bree I dumped it over her head. She let out a squeal before chasing me around the backyard.

"Goodnight everyone." I say as I crawl into my sleeping bag.

"Goodnight." Everyone said in sync before I got comfortable and fell into a deep and peaceful slumber. 

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